Please watch out for the new Kama-Sutra Computer Virus


Jan 29, 2006
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Although I have not been affected, I am hearing of a mass epidemic since the virus was released tonight. In a few hours over 50,000 computers were infected.

Do NOT open any email that is sexually suggestive to prevent this virus from infecting your computer.
pray tell where you have been hearing of this "mass epidemic"?
Reminds me of that virus that was sent over msn a while ago. Someone sends you the link "Hey, is this you?" *clicky* and then pr0n downloaded into your computer.
NotATool said:
National News. Channel 4.
Theres a guy selling a cheese grader on channel 4...
I don't trust his opinions on viruses.
no, i heard of this too. anyway, you're not gonna die if you don't open a kamu-sutra e-mail now are you? ;)
It's odd, since I was struck by trojans today. hmmmmm. Dunno if it's related to the karma sutra thing. Don't think so though.
As long as it's not like the Blaster Worm, which you COULDN'T stop unless you put the fix on. D:
Skaadi said:
Reminds me of that virus that was sent over msn a while ago. Someone sends you the link "Hey, is this you?" *clicky* and then pr0n downloaded into your computer.

Dumb Dude said:
What does it do?

It turns your computer into a killer robot which then proceeds to destroy your family and eat your chocolate chip cookies.
Why would I open a sexually suggestive email anyway?
It was "Nyxem-E" - was meant to erase all word/excel/ppt etc docs on your comp on the 2nd of Feb, turned out to be a bit fo an anticlimax in the end...
Luckily, I don't have many word or excel documents that I would be bothered about if they got deleted.

edit: eep! All PowerPoint, PDF, PSD and ZIP files as well.

edit edit: Zonealarm say they'll only protect me if I buy Zonealarm Pro.

Jangle said:
edit edit: Zonealarm say they'll only protect me if I buy Zonealarm Pro.

To the Warez cave!
(spinout spinin)
I use my Trojans while being ****ed over by the Kama-Sutra, IF YOU GET MY DRIFT. :D

theSteven said:
Makes your computer explode!

Uriel said:
Stern would, he likes that kinda stuff.


Someone needs to visit the thread on becoming funny. :dozey:

About 7 years ago when I was just learning how to use the computer and I shared it with my mom, my dad was checking it and I think he found over 2000 viruses or something...
Someone Needs to visit the thread on How not to be Homosexual. :upstare:

I've never once gotten any spam/trojan/virus e-mail eva! I <3 Hotmail
Ok I'l whatch for that. Also my sister got infected by that viruse thats says " Is this you?". Awwwwwful. We had to pay around 500 dollers to get it fixed. And it was a freakin laptop.
basnerd said:
Ok I'l whatch for that. Also my sister got infected by that viruse thats says " Is this you?". Awwwwwful. We had to pay around 500 dollers to get it fixed. And it was a freakin laptop.
You got ripped off by even paying for someone to do it. Only reasonable payments would be for AV software.
basnerd said:
Ok I'l whatch for that. Also my sister got infected by that viruse thats says " Is this you?". Awwwwwful. We had to pay around 500 dollers to get it fixed. And it was a freakin laptop.
You got absolutely ripped off :laugh:

Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead I say!