

Apr 24, 2004
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Anyone like poetry? Which are your favorite poets and poems? Post 'em here.
Poetry's alright. The only guys I know are the kid writers, like Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelutzky. I prefer lyrics set to music, though. Poetry to me is like a solo band, but only sort of half-assedly done.
i wanna love you
but it's hard
with you being
so very far

you don’t seem
to notice me here
i'd have to be closer
to be more clear

but you're making me sad
dating those other guys
and telling me about it
not even trying to hide

i probably shouldn't cry
but i do
i've done so much
to be with you

but i'm the guy
you'll never appreciate
and you're the girl
i'll grow to hate

i'm bitter because of you
i gave all my soul
i gave all my heart
and you swallowed it whole

how can i hope
to love again
i honestly don't
think i can
It doesn't help that what immedeately leaps to mind when poetry is mentioned is stuff like that^^ :x
My favorite poets are T.S. Eliot and Charles Bukowski. I also write some myself from time to time. Perhaps I'll post some.
Personally I prefer lyrics too, but poems are cool.

Anyway, do post some poems of yours, Deus!
Hmm, I dont mind poetry. But I can't stand ones about love and the like.

My favourite poet is a Polish poet called Norwid.
It doesn't help that what immedeately leaps to mind when poetry is mentioned is stuff like that^^ :x
i wrote that for a girl tonight, it was basically me telling her what i see going on between me and her without actually saying it straight to her

i know, i'm a pussy

personally I like EE Cummings
You can find all my pretentious, psuedo-intellectual, non-rhyming, horrible poetry here.

Don't mind the one story I got up.
If you want, I could say it for you, then you could c+p it.

Nevermind, that's even more pussy.

BTW, deus, those pwn.
here's a non love-related poem of mine that's much better

They had given up on everything
Everyone had given up on them
They started falling away from the world
The world just let them go
Drifting off, into space
They never cared, they never stayed
They drifted on for many years
Just floating on, not shedding tears
They didn't need another home
They just wanted to be alone
And if they find some place to stay
They will not die, just fade away
They're living on through thoughts and flashes
Always tricked by traps and catches
They never loved and never cared
They were satisfied just being there
They're looking out for misanthropy
And all that fake philosophy
Edgar Allen Poe and Samuel Taylor Coleridge are my two favourites.
here's a non love-related poem of mine that's much better

They had given up on everything
Everyone had given up on them
They started falling away from the world
The world just let them go
Drifting off, into space
They never cared, they never stayed
They drifted on for many years
Just floating on, not shedding tears
They didn't need another home
They just wanted to be alone
And if they find some place to stay
They will not die, just fade away
They're living on through thoughts and flashes
Always tricked by traps and catches
They never loved and never cared
They were satisfied just being there
They're looking out for misanthropy
And all that fake philosophy


do you mind if i take that, condense it a little, and add music to it? :D don't worry, if it sounds bad i'll stop.

do you mind if i take that, condense it a little, and add music to it? :D don't worry, if it sounds bad i'll stop.
so long as you send me the file afterwards i don;t mind too much, just make sure if you're gonna distribute it to anyone to give me credit - you can credit me as Icarusintel
I have written some poetry... but i'm not going to post them here, as I posted them before in the past. I might just link to the post I made.
She whispered "will it hurt me?"
"Of course not" answered he
"It's a very simple process,
You can rely on me."

She said "I'm very frightened,
I've not had this before.
My friend has had it five times
And said it can be sore."

It was growing rather painful
Tears formed in her eyes
It was hurting quite a bit now
It must have been a size.

"Calm yourself" he whispered
"His face filled with a grin
"Try and open wider
So I can get it in."

"It's coming now" he whispered
"I know" she cried in bliss
Feeling it deep within her now
She said "I am glad I'm having this."

And with a final effort
She gave a frightened shout
He gripped it in anguish
And quickly pulled it out.

She lay back quite contended
Sighed and gave a smile
She said "I'm glad I came now
You made it worth my while."

Now if you read this carefully
The dentist you will find
Is not what you imagined
It's just your dirty mind!!
i hate poetry with a violent passion

except some stuff by edgar allen poe, ee cummings, emily dickenson, and a few select others
i hate poetry with a violent passion

except some stuff by edgar allen poe, ee cummings, emily dickenson, and a few select others

I should write a full production length poem about you Ennui. :cheers:
I was never a fan of poetry for some reason.
I write awesome poetry, but ain't posting it here :p. The internets are full of copyright infringement, which is pretty ghey.
Ninj-edit: I'm not a fan of most poets, mainly because they piss me off. "spellbound - Emily Bronte" for instance, makes me want to hurt things. I'm quite particular about people not rhyming me with me, ever. She was quite obviously retarded.
While I am so eliteist that I think that non-rhyming poetry should be called Prose (And think there's a distinct aura of 'I didn't try to make it sound good' surrounding them), I do like Tim Burton's poetry. . Oh and don't even get me started on ****ing Haiku's.