poi poi Im back


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Well I R back :P I dont think anyone of you guys knows me but I was here when this site started (well almost) coz I dont remember any of you :P (just my irl friend Calgar).
It makes me so happy to see that this community has grown so wide. :burp: hope to see u in the forum :)

have a nice day mates
Welcome......Welcome Back to Half-Life 2.net, Enjoy your stay. And dont drink the water.
Yeh, the water makes you....errr....what was it again
anyway welcome back, the threads in the main section havent changed much from the same exact time last year if you were still here then :p
My memory aint so good.... But I am sure I was arround in your time. :P

I have been here since the beggining of time. At least it feels that way....

Oh and welcome Bk!!!
i remember you too...nice to have another swede back..
Estevan said:
Welcome......Welcome Back to Half-Life 2.net, Enjoy your stay. And dont drink the water.
however, the water here is better than halflife.net :D
yea I was at your place yesterday and asked for your mother :p