Point of Impact: Grey City is taking names


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Melee Weapons

01. Chainsaw
02. Knife
03. Brick
04. Wrench
05. Crowbar (Done, use HL2's)
06. Baseball bat
07. Molitov Cocktail
08. Block of wood
09. Bottle
10. Machete
11. Shovel
12. Dildo
13. Lamp
14. Tire Iron
15. Cell Phone
16. Bug Spray
17. Hammer
18. Martial Arts


01. Desert Eagle .50AE
02. Colt Defender
03. Beretta M93R-AG
04. Beretta M92FS
05. S&W model 500

Assault Rifles

01. M16A4
02. M29 OICW
03. FN FAL
04. AK-101

Heavy Weapons

01. M249
02. RPK
03. Vulcan Mini-Gun
04. Flamethrower

Sniper Rifles

01. Barrett M82A9
02. DPMS Model 500
03. Ruger 1006
04. Ruger 1006S
05. Arasaka PS400
06. Mauser TK50


01. Remington 870
02. Winchester X2 Cantilever
03. No Name Brand Akimbo double barrels
04. Striker


01. Fragmentation Grenade
02. Tear Gas Grenade
03. White Phosphorus Grenade
04. AN-M14 TH3 Incendiary Hand Grenade

Secret/Hidden Weapons

01. BFG (Big ****ing Gun)
02. Manipulator
03. Semtex
04. Napalm Launcher

And that's not even the cars. :)

As you can see, we need lots of modelers, skinners, and animators. We prefer you have alot of expereince, and know what your doing in these areas. If you'd like to model any of the above and join the team, email me or message me at [email protected]
Hi Guinny. Shouldn't this be in the "Help Wanted" forum?
It was deleted for some reason, so I guess I'll leave it here.:)
Probably because we lost posts after the 24th when hl2.net went down. /Me thinks we need moderators :).
Reasons like these are why we can't get modelers/skinners/animators.
I couldn't agree more Guinny. Hehe. ;)

But seriously I wasn't trying to be mean, we have to 'self-moderate'. These forums rock, lets keep 'em that way.

You have a ton of modelers(8) why no models? Start pimping and a lil note at the end of the pimp that your still looking for more modelers wouldn't be so out of place (like this thread).
here are some suggestions:
*how about some SMG's?
*should be more assault rifles than sniper rifles, most DEFINATELY
upbeat - Sorry, forgot to add the SMG's. We currently have two completely SMG models, the MP5SD and the M4 Tact. More are not currently scheduled. Seeing as it has a gta feel to it, there's more of a purpose for sniper rifles then an all out killing fest. Plus, you need the right rifle for the right kind of job. There will be more sniper rifles than assault rifles, sorry. However, if you think about it, having too many assault rifles is pointless, people are going to die either way. :)
You should put in some form of GAS MASK, cos if you use tear gas, then you dont wanna nail yourself with it :)

Maybe also add some form of KEVLAR, TORCH or HELMET
Damn thats a lot of models to get done.. do you also have a list on non weapon items? There must be thousands in a city environment
Originally posted by smilez
Damn thats a lot of models to get done.. do you also have a list on non weapon items? There must be thousands in a city environment

New hammer comes with hundreds of prefabs. However, even so there will be object that we need modeled. Most particularly, buildings. Don't want 500 of the same buildings do we? It will most certainly take time, but we'll get it done. We're always open for modelers to help.
ya, i've been thinking of prefabs and it overwhelms me. we'll see how much HL2 has and find which we can use before making new ones.

garbage cans, bus stops, the list goes on forever :O
Garbage cans should be there. Don't forget, it's City-17, thus, it has all objects a city would have, or most of them. Hoepfully for mods like Point of Impact: Grey City, and Domestic Dispute, we won't need too many prefabs, as our enviornment is similar. (Except better:))
Downtown Dispute, we had people playa hate us cuz of our name so we changed it like a month ago ;)

ya, but city-17 is a europeance city if i am not wrong.
I just want to say:
Hurry up and get this done so i can play.
Heh. Well, we still have about 30-35 weapons to go, then theres 36 cars. We've got a while before you'll be playing it. Thankfully coding won't be a burden, as we have 2 professionals straight from the gaming industry. Our main issue is skinning and modeling. We need a lot of those guys.:)
i can model guns pretty well its just that sometimes there are parts of the gun that piss me off and i get frustrated.

if i feel like it, ill send u some pics of models ive done guinny and u can see if u want meh to make some models0rs
Originally posted by guinny
12. Dildo
A bit like Monkeystrike where you have a banana :-D

Uh, eh.. reading the site now, if I'm getting this right, the mod will be kinda like gta3 :-P
To bad I can't model or something like that to help out..
Re: Re: Point of Impact: Grey City is taking names

Originally posted by tewmten
[BUh, eh.. reading the site now, if I'm getting this right, the mod will be kinda like gta3 :-P[/B]

Uh-oh. now you've done it. You have been the 50 millionth person to tell guinny thats his mod is like gta. he'll deny it, and say that its nothing like it.
You've put a lot of thought into that pretty little list, to say the least. I'm a little disturbed by the entry of "Dildo" into melee weapons... Very "Lock, Stock..."
Gameplay wise, were going for a BF1942 conquest style. where you hold points of the city and such.
Re: Re: Re: Point of Impact: Grey City is taking names

Originally posted by SidewinderX143
Uh-oh. now you've done it. You have been the 50 millionth person to tell guinny thats his mod is like gta. he'll deny it, and say that its nothing like it.

To be the better man, I'll keep my mouth closed and simply say: Just wait and see.:cheers:
Originally posted by guinny
New hammer comes with hundreds of prefabs. However, even so there will be object that we need modeled. Most particularly, buildings. Don't want 500 of the same buildings do we? It will most certainly take time, but we'll get it done. We're always open for modelers to help.


you dont plan to model the buildings do you? i mean... then theres' like nothing for the mappers to do :)
i mean, buildings should stil be made in hammer right?
i agree.
those buildings in HL2 are deffinitely world brushes (if they'll even call em that!)
the mapper will make those, thats me.
also, i am glad you guys have taken an interest in our nifty little mod. :D
well, "little" is obviously an understatement
I thought I should mention that it is required that you have a Ford Ranchero in your mod.
alright, cool, we will get working on the one as soon as we find blue prints for it :)

this is something I made in approx 15 minutes. sephiroth wanted to have me make a few things to show him if I was good enough to join up... let me know how you think it looks :P

edit: wtf my image shows up as a link ?
edit : please delete this as I accidently hit enter a few too many times... lol
Looks sexeh, can't wait to break it over some civilians head. ;)
Originally posted by crabcakes66
mmm porche 911 GT2......put on in or i will murder you all

IT'S PORSCHE 911 GT2. i luv this car
ddmod will have it
ya, now wats happening with it. there going into the future for GC. cuz that y i didn't merge with entropy, was the future deal.
we will be making the multiplayer part in the future, and then a single player prequel, story driven, set in the near-modern not so distant future.