

Mar 29, 2005
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yeah i notice whenever i load a pointfile and there is a leak to be had, the pointfile does absolutely nothing to help me. this time around (i have a leak now, dont know why), the pointfile goes through a wall, a pillar, and through a different wall and then kind of zig zags. it does not in any way show me where the leak is. isnt that what a pointfile is supposed to do?
Follow the pointfile until it takes you outside the map. The point where it moves from the Inside to the Outside is your leak. Leaks are not bound by entities or displacements.
An alternative to using the pointfile to find leaks:
Create a large world brush over half of your map, and compile (bsp only will suffice). If it compiles correctly then you know your leak is in the section within the brush. If it doesn't compile correctly (aka LEAK shows up in the compile log) then you know it is in the section outside of your large brush. Once you've determined what half your leak is in, make another brush in half of this area and repeat the process. Eventually you can work your way down to a small enough area to determine where it is.
i notice that pointfiles are recreated AFTER the compile. the pointfile i have now goes through a world brush, a func detail, and another world brush (all indoors). there could very well be no leak at all right now. my last compile included me messing with the skybox and sky camera (failed miserably) and this pointfile might be a result of that.
Check it out.

Plain and simple, if you have a pointfile after compile you have a leak.

If you compile and do not have a pointfile then you don't have a leak.

Seriously listen to what the above folks mentioned and follow the lil red line until it leaves your map (most likely where the 2D skybox meets your map).

If you want post your map for others to help try and fix for you. I would take a look if you want. PM me a link. I'm honest and would not steal anything. I've just been there and understand the frustrations of leaks.

As far as I know there is only one visable leak per pointfile. After you find a leak, compile again to see if there are more leaks and to get a new pointfile.
no its all good i think i got it covered so far. that and i have another 'plan of attack' if you will. but i do appreciate your offer. when i feel i have done all i can do to finish it, i will probably give you the vmf to look over to see if i did anything wrong and to give me some pointers for future reference. btw, do you have aim? my sn is veinsandwires86 and i am pretty much always online after 6pm cst. that would probably be easier.