Pointfile problem

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Im trying to use the point file to find leaks. I fixed them all and then went on to adding objects to my map. Then after i compiled, it sayed it found leakes. For one, i didnt edit ANY part of the wall so there cant be a leak. And for the other one, the point file starts out in space, and ends in space. Not even to a crack! it just goes from space to space with no leakes. Yet my map acts as if i has leakes! anybody know what wrong?
Check that all walls are brushes, entity's in the void makes leaks
make a hollow box around a part of the map, if leaks, choose another part with the box
if no leak, make the box smaller, and try to the procedure again
It was an entity! a really big pipe. If you ask me, why it says when they are in the void they are leaks, it seems pretty stupid. But im sure they have a good reason and it not like theres anything i can do about it. Anyway, thanks!
If the pipe is out in the void, box it in :P