
el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
The points system - ie: Player X (10,000 or whatever) got 25 points for killing Player Y (10,000 or whatever)
Does it actually make any sense whatsoever? From what I can tell, it's almost completely arbitrary.
For example, one guy got 100 points for stun-sticking me. When I got him with my crowbar, I got 41. What?
I've gotten good amounts of points for kills that really didn't deserve it, and vice versa.
Also, what does the number in brackets mean? I presume it's your points, but is it better to have more or fewer?
Yeah I have never seen it before, but that is a strange system if thats how it is.
Hmm been on a few servers like that before. I think it might be a mod or server script/plugin. And yes, the numbers in brackets represent your score.
i haven't used that system before but have heard a bit about it. Apparently you get more points depending on where a player is ranked on that server, and also where you are ranked.
eg. you get more points for killing a player that is 2nd than a player that is 50th.
and you will get less points for killing players when you are higher in the ranking system than lower.