Pointy Chesty Things On A Zombie

What are the pokey things

  • Its Ribs

    Votes: 50 79.4%
  • Its Alien

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Its a forein object

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Something else

    Votes: 9 14.3%

  • Total voters
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
Does anyone know what those little pointy thingies coming out of the Zombies chests are?
i have a few theories

1 its alien
2 its the ribs
3 its forein materials
4 its something else

any theories please

oh and when you vote leave an explanation
They are the host's ribs. but since the chest is now a mouth, they now serve as teeth.
How exactly would the Zombie eat? I mean, its basically just a hole in the body. If you look close, you can see the stomach is laying at the bottom of the host's chest cavity. Where does the food go? Does it just sit there?
Mecha's right. He's right on most things. Don't argue. They're rib-teeth.

-Angry Lawyer
Arguing against Mecha is impossible, you can't stop his arguments from beating down yours. Hell, I've almost been beaten into including Race X in the mod so many times.
As far as I know, Mecha's still a fence-sitter when it comes to the Xen Combine debate, so he gets my utmost respect for not giving in to my bribes, or the inevitable lure of the pretty website that sways so many to the "Xen = Combine" side.

And he's generally equal/smarter than me when it comes to discussing anything Half-Life related, so he gets more respect.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
As far as I know, Mecha's still a fence-sitter when it comes to the Xen Combine debate, so he gets my utmost respect for not giving in to my bribes.
Of course he is smarter than you! You don't use your bribes to make a fancy "There is no combine on Xen" website. Fight fire with fire! :p
Well, he took the bribe, but didn't take the theory, sadly. He gets a place on the iminent alpha tests of my RTS mod.

-Angry Lawyer
I am making a fancy (though not as fancy as the other one) Combine-on-Xen site :devil: :LOL:
i think it is teeth. people who have played OF should know.
I've played OF but from what I remember, they looked like ribs.
Every copyt of Op4 should burn, and the ashes thrown in acid... I think they took too many liberties! And I don't care if Valve approved it!!!
How so, Mith?

There's nothing in Opposing Force that contradicts any other HL game. And the only liberty they took was with the inclusion of Race X.

Which is much less of a liberty than if Nihilanth were to suddenly have a whole pile of new forces.
Also leaving the helmet of every HEV suit and trying to expand on the the g-man's character and putting things in that seemingly came from nowhere.
ríomhaire said:
Also leaving the helmet of every HEV suit and trying to expand on the the g-man's character and putting things in that seemingly came from nowhere.

His character never really seemed to expand for me. He still seems like the same old ass from HL1. :angry:
"I like people who survive against all odds, they rather remind me of myself" or something like that
And the fact he intervened in a very direct sense (opening door, rearming bomb etc.). I'm still not entirely happy about that.

In other news, RIB TEETH. Undoubtedly!
In OpFor the zombie gonomes bite you with the chest cavity and spit at you through it IIRC.
You saw a zombie eating through it's stomach with it's rib-teeth in HL1. Yum
SICK! it eats through the open chest on down... that's so nasty, i would hate to get sucked in, talk about nasty....

Mechagodzilla said:
They are the host's ribs. but since the chest is now a mouth, they now serve as teeth.

Maybe a mouth but not teeth.


wat i think

its probably the ribs since in the first half life the zombies still do that so its really weird
They are rib-teeth, though I found it odd that none of the mawmen ate corpses in HL2.:|
Its RIBS which the zombie used for teeth!!!

how many people think the 2 new types of zombies should be removed.
Spike said:
Its RIBS which the zombie used for teeth!!!

how many people think the 2 new types of zombies should be removed.
You're talking shit, and no.
Angry Lawyer said:
Wow, a time that I actually agree with Riomhaire.

-Angry Lawyer
We've agreed lots of times, get over it.
its ribs used as teeth, if you can see in hl1, they are feeding on corpses, and the animation is them draging food into their chest, and their chest opens and closes (like chewing)