Poker Night at the Inventory 2 screenshots


Party Escort Bot
Oct 29, 2011
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A pointless banner and 3 screenshots, all hotlinked, and not a single link to any info, or a quote.

Great thread dude.

Anyway, I don't care about any of the characters except Glados, but I'll probably get this anyway. Too bad the interface is identical.
Well I mean, you can't blame it for being poker again. The point of the game is to have these wacky characters to play with.

I actually remember the first time I played the first game, I actually felt a hint of nervousness when it was my turn and they all looked at me. It was weird.
Well I mean, you can't blame it for being poker again. The point of the game is to have these wacky characters to play with.
They need to include more features for it to be a viable purchase. Lack of online again would be pretty dire.
Man I can't wait to play as Hulk Hogan, R2-C4, Nathan Drake, GLaDOS, and Fozzie Bear
Now maybe if I could play along with a friend as well, I might be a little more excited for this.
Link for some more info on this Danny? I liked the original game.

Only because I was trying to get the TF2 items...
Awesome. The original was pretty cool. Just having Ash and Claptrap has sealed it for me.
Claptrap is the most annoying thing in the world, I probably wont buy it because of it's inclusion. Might as well include Jar Jar Binks.

The first game was cool, but the dialog got so repetitive that it lost its appeal quickly. They need a lot more dialog to make a better game if they're not changing up the gameplay any.
Pros: They didn't get the awful villain from BL2 I thought they were gonna get.

Cons: They got that annoying piece of shit Claptrap instead.
Meh. Already got bored with the first one, after a while I started mashing space to skip through dialog and it became just another poker game. Very much a novelty sort of thing I guess and none of these characters really appeal to me. I mean I guess Ash is kind of cool but it's such a strange inclusion unless Telltale are doing an Evil Dead game omg are they that would be so coooooool
They need to include more features for it to be a viable purchase. Lack of online again would be pretty dire.
There are a million online poker games already. If you want to play poker online there are already a huge amount of options. The entire point is to play against these characters.

I really enjoyed the first one and I knew roughly what franchises to expect from the TF2 tie-in items but I was hoping for Wheatley rather than GLaDOS. Never played a Borderlands game, what's Claptrap like?

Edit: Is GLaDOS only the dealer?
Never played a Borderlands game, what's Claptrap like?
To some, he's incredibly annoying, and to be honest in BL2 he does get really irritating. He was much funnier in the 1st game. He's kind of a crude, smart ass version of Wheatley. I like him. Most don't though.

I can just imagine the Claptrap/Glados chatter. That should be pretty funny.
To some, he's incredibly annoying, and to be honest in BL2 he does get really irritating. He was much funnier in the 1st game. He's kind of a crude, smart ass version of Wheatley. I like him. Most don't though.

I can just imagine the Claptrap/Glados chatter. That should be pretty funny.

I thought he added a definite sense of continuity to the first one. It didn't feel like he was a paste-in character, which was nice because he turned out to be a pretty awesome Chekhov's Gun. This especially when considering that, in game 1, he never gets past "cheap intro character/voice in your head" level of importance. I also laughed my ****ing ass off at the side-quest where you destroy the furnaces for the bandits and he keeps making awful puns.
I'll be getting this for Ash. There wouldn't be much point having him in the game if Bruce wasn't doing the voice.