Police luck wears out


Oct 9, 2003
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Untill today ive managed to stear clear of the police on the road. but today my luck ran out.
comign home from a party, and jsut finished driving my drink friend home. go home, speeding, going around 80 km/h,(speedlimit is 60) no biggy. Wrong. apairently my speedometer was 20km/h off. an di was going 100 ina 60 zone. :( got dinged with an excessive speeding ticket, which was $368 and fialing to dispaly "n" sign was $109. but for my first infraction i might even get my licence taken away from 3 years of clean driving. i can handle the fine but losing my licence will be a bitch cuz i will go under new restrictions. which severly limits the privaligeges i ahve now, but with the same name

all and all, speeding sucks
Im sry to hear that man.. I hope they dont take your licence, that would suck
40 kms over...

30 kms over is a licence in australia, i would say somthing similar for you.
im thinking of apealing it if i get my licencse taken away. but to do that, ill prolly have to get driving courses.
just think how bad it would have been if they pulled you over with your drunk friend in the passenger seat...
There's a reason you shouldn't speed, Serve's you right.

Speeding does KILL!!!
You were driving 40 kms over..You at the very least deserve the full fine. And maybe lose your licence for a month wouldn't hurt.

I don't have too much sympathy for people who speed, especially that far over.
Well shouldn't the fact that his speedometer was malfunctioning be taken into consideration? But yea speeding tickets suck, of course the only 2 I have ever gotten were going 30 in a 20 zone, which wasnt even a residential or school zone btw (not to mention the fact that there were ppl going by at like 40mph when I was gettin the ticket:hmph: )
Sucks to loose your license due to a faulty speedometer but you still should not have been traveling over the limit at all. I have no real sympathy for people that get tickets for speeding. Or drunk driving or any other kind of dangerous driving.

Cars are hugely dangerous things. Treat them with a little more care. I lost my dad to a car. Not nice.
You broke the law, you will suffer the consequences
As for the faulty speedometer..what kind of car were you driving?

You should have been able to tell you were going 20 kph faster than the speedometer said..You can even notice 10 sometimes..

I mean jesus, I don't know what the street like you were driving on, but 40 over sounds really dangerous. Sometimes even 20 is.
Wtf... You people are insane.
Whats so bad about speeding?
I always speed...
I never go the speed limit.
Isnt 40kph like only 25mph?
Speed limit + 30 = standard
Maybe its just where you live...
Ikerous said:
Wtf... You people are insane.
Whats so bad about speeding?
I always speed...
I never go the speed limit.
Isnt 40kph like only 25mph?
Speed limit + 30 = standard
Maybe its just where you live...

Due to the laws of physics, a car going twices as fast has four times as much energy, a little speed increase could make the stopping distance far greater. Not to mention the extra damage it could do if you hit someone.
I dont plan on stopping quickly
So its not really a problem
If i hit someone going 40 or 70 (mph)
It doesnt really matter
I drive a motorcycle
Ill prolly die either way
But since im tiny
Its not hard to dodge stuff
So i prolly would go around something
Rather than try and stop
Ikerous said:
I dont plan on stopping quickly
So its not really a problem
If i hit someone going 40 or 70 (mph)
It doesnt really matter
I drive a motorcycle
Ill prolly die either way
But since im tiny
Its not hard to dodge stuff
So i prolly would go around something
Rather than try and stop

I just hope the person you hit doesnt die. To be honest with an attitude like that I find it hard to care so much about you.
i know i deserve the ticket. i have no quams with that what so ever.

cuz usually i do do the speed limit. but i was 5 mins form home and just wanted to get in bed. and if anything. i dont speed 10k over the limit. but i wanted hoem a bit faster so i made it 20. forgetting that im driving a different car and the speedo is off. it sucks, but oh well what can i do

as for the pedestrian. the street was well lit that i could see easrly 100m infront of me. and it was around 1am in the morning. so everyone was either pasted out, or at the other side of town partying.
I think some speed limits are outdated anyway. I'm fine with the limits in the towns, but cars can comfortably and safelty cruise at a 100 miles per hour on motorways.

But, you broke the law :p
But we can give it to him regardless....None of us deserve anything, and by grace alone we get it.

Ok, so he did speed, but thats no reason for all us "saints" to come down on him so harshly.
*shines halo*

He couldve knocked someone over, Ive never done anything as dangerous.
Ikerous said:
I dont plan on stopping quickly
So its not really a problem
If i hit someone going 40 or 70 (mph)
It doesnt really matter
I drive a motorcycle
Ill prolly die either way
But since im tiny
Its not hard to dodge stuff
So i prolly would go around something
Rather than try and stop

Then let us hope you don't
this is why I rarely ever go 5 over the limit. And I almost make certain I'm NEVER the fastest car on the road. (Unless that means I'm the only one doing the speed limit)
Ikerous said:
I dont plan on stopping quickly
So its not really a problem
If i hit someone going 40 or 70 (mph)
It doesnt really matter
I drive a motorcycle
Ill prolly die either way
But since im tiny
Its not hard to dodge stuff
So i prolly would go around something
Rather than try and stop

Your an idiot.
A2597 said:
this is why I rarely ever go 5 over the limit. And I almost make certain I'm NEVER the fastest car on the road. (Unless that means I'm the only one doing the speed limit)

Getting stuck behind people like you
Seriously drives me insane
If i were behind you, i would tailgate

The only thing more annoying
Than a slow driver, is a slow walker
I cant stand going slower than i have to
Its so painful and pointless.

bud7miker said:
Your an idiot.

Thats not very nice
You could at least explain
What exactly about me is idiotic
The fact i would avoid an accident..
Rather than try and stop quickly
and get hit from behind?

And you spelt you're wrong.
Ikerous said:
Getting stuck behind people like you
Seriously drives me insane
If i were behind you, i would tailgate

and i would slow down suddenly and watch as you soar over my car ;)
I always drive the speed limit, unless going the speed limit means not keeping up with the flow of traffic on a thruway/freeway (which can be just as dangerous as speeding). I can't understand what it is with people and the need to speed. Just go the speed limit, it's there for a reason.
o_O 5 over is still bad.

Should go the speed limit or 5 under.

That's why it's called the speed... 'limit'
Speed limits are a bit silly at times, but sensible at others.

Motorcycles should have seperate speed limits at times, because the vehicle has better stopping speeds and motorcyclists ride differently to car drivers, as in, they're much more aware of other people on the road and what they're actually doing.
o_O 5 over is still bad.
You cant be serious...
Do you actually drive?
Or are you just predicting?
The speed limit is usually low
Far lower than you need to go
Going 5 under isnt safe
People will get angry
And then drive faster
You dont want to make ppl die?
Do you? Sadistic freak.

Kangy said:
Speed limits are a bit silly at times, but sensible at others.

Motorcycles should have seperate speed limits at times, because the vehicle has better stopping speeds and motorcyclists ride differently to car drivers, as in, they're much more aware of other people on the road and what they're actually doing.

You're now one of my favorite ppl.
I bet you feel honored.
Ikerous, stop being such a hypocrit, or at least try and be nice about it.

Motorcyclists are not more aware of other people, just today a guy on a bike pulled out infront of us on the motorway, and we were about 1 foot away from hitting him. we had to drop down about 20 miles per hour, which meant the cars behind us were in danger of hitting us.
Ikerous said:
Getting stuck behind people like you
Seriously drives me insane
If i were behind you, i would tailgate

The only thing more annoying
Than a slow driver, is a slow walker
I cant stand going slower than i have to
Its so painful and pointless.

Thats not very nice
You could at least explain
What exactly about me is idiotic
The fact i would avoid an accident..
Rather than try and stop quickly
and get hit from behind?

And you spelt you're wrong.

You're the idiot because people die when you drive unsafely. Oh and if I saw someone tailgating me I would stop. No I am not joking.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Ikerous, stop being such a hypocrit, or at least try and be nice about it.

Sorry? I lub you ^_^
Slow drivers just really bother me.
Something about driving slow
Just bothers me beyond belief
I dont see how people can do it.

You're the idiot because people die when you drive unsafely. Oh and if I saw someone tailgating me I would stop. No I am not joking.

LOL You call me an idiot for unsafe driving
When you would purposely caue an accident.
Nice thinking man. Real good logic.
Driving fast doesnt cause accidents.
Purposely stopping would.
You can drive at any speed you want
If you're paying attention, you'll be okay
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well, what defines slow?

It depends on the street.
If you're on an open street
That isnt crowded, but the limit is 25
And you're going 25, you're dumb.
Go at least 35.
On main street labeled 45
45 is the okay if its crowded
But if you're going 45 for no reason
When you could easily go 55
And be perfectly safe
You're just being annoying.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Ikerous, stop being such a hypocrit, or at least try and be nice about it.

Motorcyclists are not more aware of other people, just today a guy on a bike pulled out infront of us on the motorway, and we were about 1 foot away from hitting him. we had to drop down about 20 miles per hour, which meant the cars behind us were in danger of hitting us.

Well, he's a very lucky motorcyclist. Most motorcyclists who aren't aware of car drivers usually get killed by car drivers pulling out on them without looking.
If you're driving a motorcycle
You HAVE to pay attention
I get cut off so much
And have people pull out in front of me
And Just go into my lane
With my right there
I have to go into oncoming traffic
Its not safe. People dont see me.

If you drive a motorcycle
Then you realize this will happen
So you pay attention
Tailgate all you want I'll still go the same speed I'm going
This is just turning into a tit for tat argument now.

Ikerous, quite frankly if you run into a car you have yourself to blame the way you describe yourself driving.