Police luck wears out

Farrowlesparrow said:
This is just turning into a tit for tat argument now.

Ikerous, quite frankly if you run into a car you have yourself to blame the way you describe yourself driving.

I entirely agrea with you
I am a lousey driver
I go too fast, i tailgate
And i run red lights and stop signs
Most likely when i get into an accident
It will be my fault entirely.

My point this whole time
Was merely that slow driving
Its unimaginabley annoying
tailgaters suck, if I get tailgated I just drive slower

It depends on the street.
If you're on an open street
That isnt crowded, but the limit is 25
And you're going 25, you're dumb.
Go at least 35.
On main street labeled 45
45 is the okay if its crowded
But if you're going 45 for no reason
When you could easily go 55
And be perfectly safe
You're just being annoying.

Wrong, nobody can say that when they drive fast they are "speeding safely". To do so is just pure arrogance. Even if you where a flawless driver you still have to take into consideration that other drivers can do something crazy or dangerous. The limits are there to protect everyone, provide a saftey margin and accomodate for criteria that the driver might not neccesarily be aware of. The "super-drivers" have no right to disregard them as annoying.
Andy said:
nobody can say that when they drive fast they are "speeding safely".

When i drive fast
I'm speeding safely.

If someone pulls in front of you
Or stops abruptly
Thats what the other side of the street is for
You can just go there and go around em.
Ikerous said:
When i drive fast
I'm speeding safely.

If someone pulls in front of you
Or stops abruptly
Thats what the other side of the street is for
You can just go there and go around em.

And if there is another car on the other side of the road...

Thats what I thought it was for.....
Ikerous said:
When i drive fast
I'm speeding safely.

If someone pulls in front of you
Or stops abruptly
Thats what the other side of the street is for
You can just go there and go around em.

This has got to be one the the dumbest things I've ever read.
And when someone dies because of you're speeding safetly?
Getting stuck behind people like you
Seriously drives me insane
If i were behind you, i would tailgate
Your the sort of person I run over turn round and go for the second time, then I get out and kick you to death. On GTA of course ;), Seriously though these speed limits are calculated carefully, they dont just put these limits in randomly to annoy people. I dont think you deserve the right to drive. There should be harsher road laws to kick off idiots who seem to think that cars/vehicles are not weapons
Speeding kills....

That's why I do it.....

Doing it with acohol makes it a hell of alot better....
Ikerous said:
When i drive fast
I'm speeding safely.

If someone pulls in front of you
Or stops abruptly
Thats what the other side of the street is for
You can just go there and go around em.

Thank you, I rest my case
The internet never fails to remind me of the idiocy of the general populace.

Speeding isn't "cool" or "necessary", thinking anything otherwise is the dumbest argument you could ever make unless you're being chased by ninjas in a speeding van who are flipping out and tyring to kill you.
Rico said:
The internet never fails to remind me of the idiocy of the general populace.

Speeding isn't "cool" or "necessary", thinking anything otherwise is the dumbest argument you could ever make unless you're being chased by ninjas in a speeding van who are flipping out and tyring to kill you.

If your talking to me you gotta wrong buddy. I just did it to piss you guys off. Sadly it worked. Why the hell would I speed 100 miles on a 20mph road not necessary and very dangerouse.

But seeing it how it got you angry you just made my day.
If you felt insulted by my remarks then it's none of my business, it wasn't aimed at you to tell the truth and was rather aimed at Ikerous's attitude about dangerous driving.

However, if you feel as if I was talking about you then you must have your own reasons for that, maybe you personally think you fit in with the group I described?

Rico said:
maybe you personally think you fit in with the group I described?


In those group of retards? I rather be fat and gay.
I am being chased down like a hooker who forgot to pay her pimp money.

Okay I step off and leave for a bit. See you soon.
Yeah sometimes i drive on the wrong side of the road
i think it is fun
people scream and get out of my way
then i do a backflip with my bike and get 40 points
speeding is fun so i can hit small children
sometimes i drive up beside someone and shoot them!
I think Ikerous is pulling our chains now ;p. Seriously.. the "that's what the other side of the road is for." gave it away kind of.
Lol, you wish i was joking.
In case of emergency
Thats what that side is for
Which is why you can speed all you want
If theres no oncoming cars.
Every one of his posts is like some bastardized haiku. Please, for the sake of my sanity, stop hitting the enter/return button.

As for speedlimits... I follow them. I just enjoy getting up to the speedlimit as fast as possible. ;)
As for speedlimits... I follow them. I just enjoy getting up to the speedlimit as fast as possible.

I accelerate crazy fast ^_^
I beat like everyone off the line
My bike only weighs about 300lbs
So it can accelerate uber fast
I usually go about 10 over the speed limit. Anything under just seems...slow. I know its wrong, but if your on the interstate (or any road for that matter) where I live and your going the speed limit...your gonna get hit in the ass.
why do you type like this
it is very frustrating
I don't understand
the purpose of it.
maybe you just
have really fat fingers
and you hit the enter key
when you try to type
FoB_Ed said:
why do you type like this
it is very frustrating
I don't understand
the purpose of it.
maybe you just
have really fat fingers
and you hit the enter key
when you try to type

You're so doing it wrong.
And im not fat; im chubby.
My mommy told me so.

I type like this cuz its better.
And its how i think.
I am a poet
just like Ikerous
man I'm hungry like Lisa
but i just can't get myself
to order that pizza
Ikerous I worry about you.
When you are cruising at 70
and you run over a shard of glass
your tire will go out.
Do you think you'll live?
I'm not making poems
They arent haikus
And they dont rhyme.

As for the tire going out
And me dying; kewl.
(sry.. im in a real bad mood)

Heres a poem for you:

Life sucks and then you die
But in the end we all get high
So if in life you dont succeed
F*** this sh** and smoke some weed.

I didnt write it; but its what i need to do.

I hate people.

To stay on topic
You drive better stoned
"This Guy Keeps Breaking Up His Sentances Like Haikus"
By Ductonius

All should bear this in thier skull:
A line that is throughtfully writ',
does not at all poetry make,
though broke' into a thousand line'.

The present words now seem quite dull.
The lines at first seemed not to fit,
but now the rhyme begins to take,
and be called "poem" by that sign.
