Political Flame Wars



here is your chance to let all your anger out for being "pwnd by teh 1337 haxxorer!" everyone state there political views and call everyone elese wrong... flame away!
lol i think we all pretty much agree dubya is a frickin moron
Oh, I thought like colon powell was gonna be on here and we could be like "FUX YOU NOOB" and then he would flame back.
lol... emagine the bush administration sitting down to a game of hl deathmatch bush would just be wacking the wall with a crowbar colon would be ordering non existent air strikes and eating chicken (JK!) and cheny would be camping in some cavern waiting for things to die down
Wtf, I would want to be the enemy and be like "Woot woot, you got owned by a canadian, now resign beeyotch!!!!"
Politicians!! what are they good for? absolutly nothing!!!
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I'm gona vote for General Wesley Clark if he runs for president because he reminds me of Mr. Rogers.

If he doesn't run, then it's W all the way. :)

Hell yes , Id vote for him too. And as it stands now im voting for GWB too.

Hes not a moron , thats a sterotype for lack of a better word. Hes probably smarter than you or at least as smart. Im sick of people incorrectly stating this popular prejudice simply because its popular and they know theyll get other idiots to go "YES SIR YOU ARE CORRECT SIR!"
bush is so smart he made up a new english word!

i love how he pauses right before a 4 or more syllable word
I liie how Bush is actully getting some crap done that should have been taken care of years ago. i.e. Saddam.

He may not be the brightest to some people but I like the fact that he is not some sissy that is afraid to go to war to get some shit done that is important!
unfortuneatley he did just about everything but take care of suddam
Saddam is on the run. And we are still after him. We will not stop until we get him/kill him.
or until someone desides the problem lies in more then just this one dipshit ...... a.k.a new president!
George W. Bush isn't a moron, he's a dangerous guy. I never saw a guy doing so much trouble in the world. And he seems to think the average American is a dumbass when you listen to him. I can't listen to him without laughing, it's so ridiculous. Like the "Axis of Evil". Pleeeease. What is it a Power Rangers episode? Why are they Evil Mr. Bush? "Cuz they have WMD ya stoopid moron" Like Iraq's weapons? "Yeah, like it. If they don't have any we can still make fake proofs, Tony Blair is quite good at it too". Why are you taking over most of East coutries? Because you're so scared of China? "Shut up! It's a secret!"

I'm not quite sure it's the reason but it's not terrorism. Iraq wasn't about to nuke anything, it's quite obvious now. Maybe you don't know that, if you watch FOX News or any major news media in the USA. Attacking a country won't stop terrorism either. Saddam was an evil guy, no doubt, but not a terrorist, and certainly hasn't any links with Al Qaeda, in fact it's very well known that Hussein and Bin Laden hated each other. But the Bush family and the Talibans were good friends for a looong time.

And people from France aren't evil. They don't hate you or USA. In fact, you should know that without France, USA probably wouldn't exist. France actually warned the CIA about 9/11. Still, because they don't want the UN to allow a stupid pointless war, and they don't want to see their long time ally (USA) make that war either, they are ungrateful bastards? Come on.

About that, USA won WWII all by themselves, far from it. They did help a lot, but when you speak of allies, it's many countries, and many of them were fighting this war way before USA did. And for that "Ungrateful French", I think most Americans should be grateful to have a friend who try to help them when USA is in need, like they always did. But USA wasn't in need, and like a friend when you are drunk and about to drive your car, France did all they can to stop Bush from doing that war.

Did you know that when Canada announced that they wouldn't fight in Iraq (even if they DID support US troops), some people were attacking canadian trucks that delivered in US? That's completely crazy. I don't know how you do to trust someone who say suck things as: "You are either with us, or against us". Yeah, go on Hitler.
any idiot becomes dangerous when there placed in the highest position of government in the worlds biggest superpower

france also helped us in the war of 1812, and the rev. war
/me senses a bit of sarcasm at the end of it, but its ok cuz im not french
Bush is just a puppet in a massive conspiracy by a shadowy group, known as the ilumini, who's sole aim is to take over the world. And to rule the world under what they feel is the right way to live.
i wish chris_d would put up his "rumours suck" sig again....

that shit was so funny
On a sidfe note, where is Chris_d? he hasnt posted for ages has he?!

I always wonder what Al Gore would of done after the sept 11th attacks
yeah same here. he prolly wouldve announced to the world the he, in fact, singlehandedly invented pants
rofl xtakm4p, or perhaps he would claim that he invented airplanes, terrorist groups, and the basis of structural architecture.
I think John Kerry is looking good. He's got my vote, no question (and if he doesn't win the primaries, i'll vote for who ever is against Bush).