[POLL] Starcraft on DS/PSP?

What system should Starcraft port to?

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Jul 22, 2004
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Well, the other day I was talking to my friends, and we were talking about the DS, and games we would like to play on the way to e3. Well of course, starcraft was brought up, and if they are every going to seize this amazing opportunity. I know it is older news, and many people always think about it, but i searched here in the forums under games and nothing seems to have come up. So lets see what people think.

Like honestly, the best selling game on the DS is nintendogs. Seriously people, i mean how hard can it be to outsell nintendogs, with a proven game under your belt. And the PSP is just dieing for it with the large screen, it would be very nasty.

Another thing to discuss here is the touch screen, and the large screen. Whats better? Having a two screen combination, one touch, where you have to constantly change your eyes position up and down, or having one large screen? And what are the best controls for the game on both systems?

My Theory on Screens and controls

Easy, the two screen combination with the touch would be an excellent choice. First of all, touch screen is the best way to play starcraft. You have the top screen that is an exact replica of what is displayed on your bottom screen, a picture of the actual map. Then on the bottom touch pad you have a button that allows you to change that map and go into the build menu, so in effect you can always see your units, you just hide/open a build menu on the bottom screen. While the build screen is up you look at the top to see your base, while the build screen is down you can order your units around on the touch pad. The benefits of this are that its easy to control, and has a lot of potential. The disadvantages are having to constantly shift between screens.

The PSP is a bit harder, but has just as much potontial in my opinion. One large screen, no shifting. You use the analog in the lower left hand corner as a mouse, just like the PC, and you use the top r1 and l1 buttons to click. Each one of them will do a diffrent thing. The r1 button will order units somewhere, while the l1 button will activate their special functions, such as patrol, gaurd, build etc.. This way you can bring up the build screen into the entire menu and easily navigate it using the triangle, square, circle, and x buttons. The left navigational pad can be used for something else, i dont know exactly what, since your hand will be on the analog stick the entire time. You could also just put the build/advanced options screen at the bottom just like on the PC, but that might clog up the screen.

Pictures of the controls

Some quick shit i made up for the purpose of this article, enjoy, i hope you get what im saying...


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RTSes should stay on the PC...
But nice ideas.
Don't water down another great PC game on a Console port.
IF it should come out then the DS. Touch screen > analog.
A straight port of the PC game wouldn't do either console justice. The game would have to be tweaked and streamlined for it to work perfectly on its host hardware.

I would love to play a proper Starcraft DS...
Don't port.

If you have to, use DS so we can have the touch screen.
(keep it simple stupid)

just keep it on the PC kthxbye
I'm not a big DS fan, I love the PSP, but I'd have to say it would be better on the DS, the touch screen would make it easier..


Wait, really?
Dog-- said:
I believe it's "Hethens"

No, It's heathen.

Anyways, I concur with everyone in this thread.
Starcraft belongs to the PC... and no one else!
It's impossible to get a RTS to a miniture console. :S
Of any console ever released... the DS would be the best to receive RTS ports. It does great 2D graphics, it has wifi support, the stylus would work great as a mouse replacement, you could include a map editor allowing you to save maps on the cartridge (like Advance Wars: Dual Strike), and you could switch between various information to be displayed on the top screen (mini-map, 3D close-up of a battle, unit information, etc). If they upgraded/tweaked it to utilize the DS properly... it could be a great port. Who wouldn't want StarCraft in their pocket?
OCybrManO said:
Of any console ever released... the DS would be the best to receive RTS ports. It does great 2D graphics, it has wifi support, the stylus would work great as a mouse replacement, you could include a map editor allowing you to save maps on the cartridge (like Advance Wars: Dual Strike), and you could switch between various information to be displayed on the top screen (mini-map, 3D close-up of a battle, unit information, etc). If they upgraded/tweaked it to utilize the DS properly... it could be a great port. Who wouldn't want StarCraft in their pocket?
DS would be the best for RTS ports, but you can't leave the PSP owners in the dark.
Porting RTS's would be the worst idea since putting shooters on consoles
Dalamari said:
Porting RTS's would be the worst idea since putting shooters on consoles
The Tomapple says it all. Indeed, RTS on consoles/handhelds is even worse though.
an hour ago, when i did not know this thread existed, i went on google and typed starcraft portable. is this big news, that people want starcraft portable?
Originally Posted by Fliko
DS would be the best for RTS ports, but you can't leave the PSP owners in the dark.
Why yes. Yes, you can. Starcraft DS would be awesome... Starcraft PSP would not.
Dog-- said:
I'm not a big DS fan, I love the PSP, but I'd have to say it would be better on the DS, the touch screen would make it easier..
Here is my take..

I dont care if i have to play this on the game boy micro...

starcraft with your friends during school or some shit is awesome...
jdufault said:
Here is my take..

I dont care if i have to play this on the game boy micro...

starcraft with your friends during school or some shit is awesome...
Yeah, either it was Quake 2, or Starcraft at "Computer Club" where we learned all about computers and how to fix them up.

*sigh* We picked one gullable teacher to host it.
CyberPitz said:
Yeah, either it was Quake 2, or Starcraft at "Computer Club" where we learned all about computers and how to fix them up.

*sigh* We picked one gullable teacher to host it.
DUDE!! We had that exact same thing at my high school! Same "club", same games played instead!
CyberPitz said:
Yeah, either it was Quake 2, or Starcraft at "Computer Club" where we learned all about computers and how to fix them up.

*sigh* We picked one gullable teacher to host it.
We have a Computer Club! We have a gullible teacher! And we play CS tho becuase it's easier to set up than SC.

Also, a DS port of an RTS would rock. Tho it would have to be Real-Time.
JNightshade said:
What else would it be? A turn-based RTS? :laugh:

no, but they could mess with it...


They made Age of Empires into a turn-based game on DS :bonce: