Poll: What will come first, Halo 2 or Half-Life 2?

What will come out first: Halo 2 or Half-Life 2?

  • Half-Life 2

    Votes: 18 18.8%
  • Halo 2

    Votes: 78 81.3%

  • Total voters


Aug 10, 2003
Reaction score
This is based on the assumption, of course, that Half-Life 2 indeed makes a gold date which facilitates a November release. But what route do you think Valve/Vivendi will take on the release date? Common sense would dictate before Halo 2. So there's where my vote goes. What bout ya'll?
I'm not sure, I think it'll be a pretty close call. Halo 2 will probably be released the first..
Halo 2 comes out in under 3 weeks. Half-Life 2 isn't even gold yet. Not even close.
Halo is coming out the 9th of next month. Halflife 2 is aiming to come out the 28th of next month. Halo 2 is already done, there is no way it's going to be delayed for a month. There is no way half life 2 is going to come out a full month early.
well with Halo2 being warez'ed, one would think Bungie would be in a hurry to get the game out.
Ragnarokk said:
Halo is coming out the 9th of next month. Halflife 2 is aiming to come out the 28th of next month. Halo 2 is already done, there is no way it's going to be delayed for a month. There is no way half life 2 is going to come out a full month early.

what he said. halo 2 will be out first for sure.
Whats so special about halo2 for it to be compared to hl2's release date?
Halo 2.... Anyone who thinks otherwise is and idiot, since halo 2 is allready gold and is close to shipping, hl2 has yet to even go gold.
It would be funny if HL2 came out first. Most of you would eat ur words, including me (i voted Halo 2) lol :cheers:
I voted for Half-Life 2... Pure speculation. I think that Vivendi would have think of that too.
Subz said:
Whats so special about halo2 for it to be compared to hl2's release date?

Cause it's going to sell a bazillion trillion more copies than Half-Life 2, that's why. If Vivendi or Valve had the option of releasing it before Halo 2, then they'd be getting a much-needed head start on sales. After all, aren't the majority of a game's copies sold during the first week? Granted, a title like Half-Life 2 is an exception, seeing as how it's shelf life is going to be a lot longer than your average PC title, but it is still a factor which will affect it.

I am a huge Half-Life fanboy, but I'm also a realist. There are a lot more X-Boxers out there than there are PC gamers. And you have to admit, the Halo phenomenon is going to get A LOT bigger with the inclusion of Live! support. I'm aware of the argument 'well anybody who is interested in both will get both'. The figures sales-wise trumps that argument. Do X-Boxers need a certain amount of ram or a particular video card to behold all of Halo 2's glory? No. There's a large demographic for you right there. So yes, I DO believe it is right to compare the two concerning release. If they want to see a much larger success ratio then they better get of their asses and fire up the production facilities post haste if they want to get this out in the 'fall' bracket.

And yes, I'm realistic on the fact that the game may be pushed to December of even into 05' (which I sincerely doubt will happen what with Steam pre-orders and what not). I am sure Vivendi of all groups knows this (releasing close to Halo 2 that is). *sigh* The more I spew out this long-winded tirade the more I realize it is a lot more likely that Half-Life 2 will be seeing a 'winter' release. Oh well. There's always CS:S (but no manipulator waaaah!!!)
MrMan16 said:
It would be funny if HL2 came out first. Most of you would eat ur words, including me (i voted Halo 2) lol :cheers:

Yea then I would look like a right idiot. Allthough hl2 would be out so I would'nt care :p
Yep...I think the last thing on anyone's mind when Half-Life 2 comes out will be these boards.
I have to disagree with Halo 2 having a longer shelf life than HL2. Half-Life was selling copies when Halo was still suckin' on it's mama's teet.

There may be more X-Box people out there, but they will never have the game play experiences that PC users have. It's just not as easy to have an awesome mod community for a console.

As for who sells more copies than who...who cares? Really, being a realist doesn't mean a thing in this case.

For the question at hand, I'm sure Halo 2 will come out first...good for them. I always think it's great when a cool game comes out. I look forward to the PC conversion in the future for Halo2 and the mods that will follow with it.

No no...I didn't mean to imply Halo 2 will have the longer shelf life. Sorry if I gave that impression. If anything Half-Life 2 will trump it in that category above all other things (but we all know it will trump it in every category with the exception of default multiplayer :D ). I really do hope the mod community makes as big of a footprint on the industry as original HL's did. I'm hoping it will succeed it in every way.

As for who sells more copies than who...who cares? Really, being a realist doesn't mean a thing in this case.

I actually really do hope Valve makes a ton on this. They deserve it. Granted they already do have a load ('we could easily pour another $40 mil into it' Gabe quote comes to mind). What I'm interested in is what sales figures for Half-Life 2 X-Box are gonna look like once that version is finalized. Who knows what Valve will decide to put in multiplayer-wise for that incarnation.
spitcodfry said:
I really do hope the mod community makes as big of a footprint on the industry as original HL's did. I'm hoping it will succeed it in every way.
Same here. A person could honestly play HL2 with all mods for years. And...I hope that's the case :).

timech187 said:
Same here. A person could honestly play HL2 with all mods for years. And...I hope that's the case :).


Hell I didn't get into the HL mod scene until at least a year or two after the game had been in stores. I've played HL mods more than any other game to date. Garsh the memories. TF, CS, Desert Combat (really damn fun), Firearms, and a whole bunch of others.
Halo 2 will be ownage.

Half-Life 2 will be ownage.

Halo 1 sucked and I don't see why Halo 2 wouldn't suck too, so a better question would be, Who cares about Halo 2?
Didn't you hear? Duke Nukem Forever's coming out before Half Life 2 ;)


DrJones said:
Halo 1 sucked and I don't see why Halo 2 wouldn't suck too, so a better question would be, Who cares about Halo 2?

I care about Halo 2. I loved Halo... lots of people did and those of us who can enjoy more than one game are gonna have a kick ass November!
I think Halo was overrated, as I think Halo 2 will be overrated....
Most games are sub par in terms of originality, especially for a genre like shooters. It's pretty damn difficult to successfully implement new gameplay mechanics that play as good as they look on the drawing board. Which is why I've learned to accept the high points in a shooter and enjoy them accordingly. My taste is still quite nit-picky, and as such I really don't enjoy the majority of fare which has been coming down the pike lately.

But Halo is a shooter which takes some simple concepts and nails them really well, I think. Rinse and repeat, in other words. If it's fun to play then that's all I really care about. Which is exactly what Halo gave me: a good time (and we went up to my place afterwards for drinks). But with a game like Half-Life 2 (I know, I haven't played it), all the additional perks like rich story, deep characterization, and an immense, believeable, and immersive game world to play in, makes for the standout title that will be talked about years down the road.

Critics will use it as the criteria for judging future titles of it's ilk. Now those games are far and few between. Which is exactly why I've learned to enjoy what's out there (and of course I understand personal taste). That being said, play on!

Dr. Freeman said:
well with Halo2 being warez'ed, one would think Bungie would be in a hurry to get the game out.

warezed? Since when. I looked on google but found no concrete mention of a leak.