


just woundering if anyone know an avarage polycont of and interior in halflife2. im curently working on a low poly bunker and would liek to match count with a actual set. also does anyone know the res of the normal maps they are using. thanks -M
No idea what architecture poly counts are. I think for characters around 4k would be a safe number. Normal maps for what? Architecture? Depends on if they are a tile map or not. Nothing above 1024 I would bet.
I believe the engine can safely handle many more then any computer today could render. It's all down to testing after you have placed all the objects in the scene itself. Texture size and so on will play a part too.
vehicles can go up to 10.000, characters between 5/7000 I guess you can use that to measure out how much poly's you can spend on map objects
I think for normals I think its 1024 for the bodies and 800 for the faces.... Not 100 percent sure, but check the valve info thread because I think it states the resolutions in there.