polygon problem


Mar 25, 2005
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I seems to be having problems with poly counts.... my models are weighing in at way many more polies than they should be. Here's an example:


Over 1400 for this part alone. WTF is going on?
it says u have 23 objects on screen, u shouldnt have that many for one part, and also some of the details u have on the gun are unnecessary to model, you should just normal map them, also there are a lot of places where you can do some optimizing.
I have isolated only a few parts, there are others including lights etc, so ignore those numbers. I think I have only included details which stick out and will be noticiable if in the skin.
how much is the whole gun ? ..
maybe its showing the poly count of everything
oh and btw thats actually a triangle count ... so its going to be way higher than the poly count.
Lol oh thats good news, now I just need to find out whats the difference!! :S
the differance is that yours is measuring all the triangles which is a lot more than a poly count would be cuz that measures all the squares.
so tricount = double polycount?

EDIT: Doesn't matter now, I found out that the part I posted actually has a polycount of 490! and the whole model is only 1267 :D

Thanks for the help guys, you rock :)
not double but more, it depends on the model, and ur new triangle count seems more accurate.