Poor gabe....

Wankers these days. Have no respect for people.

I mean the person who created that.
about this web site. (this story was dynamically generated using a generic 'template' and is not factual. Any reference to specific individuals has been 100% fabricated by web site visitors who have created fake stories by entering a name into a blank 'non-specific' template for the purpose of entertainment. For sub-domain info and additional use restrictions: FakeAWish.com)

Zeus said:
Wow, I really hope you weren't trying to offend me for me posting something bad about gabe newell (which I didn't even make). It's ok, newell isn't going to give you the lost coast and HDR early just for defending him on an online message board.

I wasn't........

Lighten up..

thats a bit over the line..heh.

GET YOUR APRIL FOOL JOKES IN PEOPLE, it ends in an hour (for uk.)
So Gabe has been sold, joined a band and died. He's had quite the productive 1st day of April.
ríomhaire said:
So Gabe has been sold, joined a band and died. He's had quite the pruductive 1st day of April.

lol dying is very productive...
I heard he started a porn channel...

Bit of a coincidense things happened on April 1st, eh?

Especially the Pope stuff.
I thought that was real, and i felt sad. dont post that crap again ;(
oldagerocker said:
I thought that was real, and i felt sad. dont post that crap again ;(

please don't tell me you honestly fell for that
Zeus said:
Yeah lets buy him a few krispy kremes
How about we buy you a muzzle so you can keep your stupid posts to yourself. I'm so sick of your attitude.
I don't know if you intended insulting Gabe by his wieght by that Kirspy Kreme remark... If you did intend it, you need to grow up. If you didn't then no hard feelings :)
Wow I didn't know everyone is so defensive about some guy's weight problem (a guy who they most likely never met in real life anyway). Gabe is a great guy who brought us some amazing games, I can't have a little fun and make a quick joke about gabe's weight without 2 guys jumping on my back? Maybe I'm just a little bit used to hl2world's cracks on gabe's weight but come on, people....

Look, I apoligize if I offended anyone with my krispy kreme comment ok? I didn't expect everyone to get offended.
Zeus said:
Wow I didn't know everyone is so defensive about some guy's weight problem (a guy who they most likely never met in real life anyway). Gabe is a great guy who brought us some amazing games, I can't have a little fun and make a quick joke about gabe's weight without 2 guys jumping on my back? Maybe I'm just a little bit used to hl2world's cracks on gabe's weight but come on, people....

Look, I apoligize if I offended anyone with my krispy kreme comment ok? I didn't expect everyone to get offended.
We're sick of hearing people make fun of Gabe. So don't.
Heh, someone did this for Sven on the SC forums. Here was me thinking the community had got the "fake headline" phase out of their collective systems :p
**Scratching head**

Is that...nooo, it can't be?

Gabe Newell of Valve software?

Now that I realised that the thread dates back to 1st april, I'll walk away now
**Scratching head**

Is that...nooo, it can't be?

Gabe Newell of Valve software?

Now that I realised that the thread dates back to 1st april, I'll walk away now
That's what you get when you don't reaad the whole thread :rolleyes: