Poor Laslo!!!

I found out last night that there's a Lazlo in Planescape Torment.
Wow thats amazing because NO ONE has ever heard of THAT name before HL2
MarcoPollo said:
Wow thats amazing because NO ONE has ever heard of THAT name before HL2
Wow! There was so much need to be such a condescending idiot! :hmph:
Thoughts on Laslo:

- his death showed that the Antlion's aren't to be messed with
- his freind remarking that Laslo was the greatest mind of his generation was possible forshadowing by Valve stating "you could end up like him if you're not careful"
- it's possible that Laslo was the leader of the lighthouse point, and the friend/soldier wanted to honour Laslo accordingly.
- if Laslo was the lighthouse leader, he may have some prior connection with Odessa Cubbage that's more personal; and since Cubbage was seen talking to the G-Man, it could have been an attempt to silence Laslo for reasons that may only be relvealed in an expansion.
He probly just wanted to kill himself along with a couple more antlions to get revenge.
Laivasse said:
Funny that people should mention the gay thing... it didn't strike me blatantly at the time, but it did seem that Laslo's friend shows more emotion over his death than any other NPC does over anyone else - did feel a little gay. Maybe we're all emotionally repressed.

Nah. If my best friend died right in front of me I'd be a little emotinal. That doesn't mean I want to hop on the good foot and do the bad thing with him.

And about the different faces - I'm on my 2nd go through the game and I paid more attention to the NPCs this time. I only noticed this time that you can make them natter to eachother by pressing E like in the beginning. missed it totally the first time through... But as a result I grew so attached to the pack of NPCs I first encountered at the beginning of Anticitizen One that I went through that entire section, up until Alyx gets captured, with practically the same set of NPCs, saving their hides along the way.

The mousey little medic woman, grim goateed guy in the bobble-hat, similarly bobblehatted mediterranean-looking woman, and black medic guy....once I'd heard them whistling I just couldn't let them die. Not even when the game spawned some Combine soldiers as I left my friends behind - I stacked some boxes to stand on so I could take out the troops for them before moving on. You're not meant to see the Combine warp in out of nowhere as they do at that point, so it spoilt the realism a bit, but that's the price you have to pay.....for friendship.

I do the same thing. Infact it annoys me that I can't make Citizens leave the group just so that I can say they've fought enough and now they guard this area. (Save their life) Usually only one or two survives the ending battle for Anticitizen One and even then it's not uncommon for those left to get killed by the Combine troops. I usually stay back and fight off the troops too though.... then I just pretend that whoever is left uses the console to open the gate again at some point and lives happily ever after. :p

Also, I hate that I can't leave behind any citizen who help clear out the library/Combine Control Center. I've never had any of them survive the Gunship on the roof...

Edit: Oh yeah... I loved taking Security Guards and Scientists to certain points in the original Half-Life and then barricading them in secure locations. Also in Questionable Ethics I always keep that one Security Guard with me the hole time and leave him at the dam. I'll then kill the Itchyosaur and pretend that he jumps off on that side and climbs over the gate so he can swim to safety. :p
I like the civilians too.
This one red-haired lady kept saving me with all those medpacks.
But she wouldn't run from the manhacks.
So I sat there and blew them away untill I was forced into crowbarring them.
Which I did untill I got down to maybe 29 life, and gave it a run. She got away.
I just figured it was meant as a joke that the random civilian death would turn out to be this huge issue with long-term consequences.

Dark humour, like in HL1, the scientist runs towards the soldiers yelling "I'm the one man who knows everything!" before getting gunned down.