Poor old yeller!


Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Today i was on the net reading news of the compuer industry after a relatively long time!

Dual core this, quadriple core that, ati x100000,....whatever!

It's been about 1 year and a half since i bought my pc and it served me well:

Athlon 3000 xp (barton)
512 Mb DDR 333/400mhz (added 256 MB a month ago after schrounging together some money)
Ati radeon 9800 PRO (128mb)
abit nf7-s
160Gb SATA hdd

at that time i spent a fortune, even if it wasn't the best avaiable then, but still costed me a lot! i was happy that it played hl2 and doom3 well! but i knew that it was at its limits!

now, me and poor old yeller, are just watching the days go by on the internets...two old lonley dogs... :(

hehe...sorry for this corny thread...but i just feel so sad in a geeky kind of way! i know there are people with worse rigs, but this has been my very first own pc! i was at least hoping that it would see the lights of TES: oblivion (march), but i'm doubtful!? of course i'm penniles currently, getting that 30EU for that 256mb ram was a strain, and now i have by today's standards juts above the minimum amount of system memory (768mb)! only my hdd is up to todays standards! everythin else is at least 3-4 generations older, upgrading would mean i would need to change everything. but i dout it would happen in the near future (not atleast 2 years)!

ehh i just have to face it! ;(
When I got my Alienware I poped in Doom 3 and put it on 800x600 and it was choppy! I was like WTF! I just payed 1,800 dollars for this chit. and my Mac G4 powerbook played it better so I had to get a new graphic card and everything
dude, my comp is worse than that... but i love it... *cries* i choose new guitar over new comp though, cs:s + interwebz is good enough for me
AMD Athlon 1500+
2x256 MB Samsung DDR-400
1 WD 120GB IDE
1 WD 160GB Sata
CRAPPY ASS Asus KT880 motheboard
ATI 9500/9700 (softmodded)

I can still play Doom 3 and Half-Life 2. Take that internet. Four year old graphics card, crappy cpu, crappy ram, crashes in dod:s all the time (****ing asus mobo piece of ass crap shit). Oh, and I own in dod.
xlucidx said:
Alienwares are a waste of money.

QFT..you can build an equally good PC for much less than an expensive alienware. However if you have a lot of money and don't know how to build a pc then an alienware is good
Zeus said:
QFT..you can build an equally good PC for much less than an expensive alienware. However if you have a lot of money and don't know how to build a pc then an alienware is good
Or for getting some powerful laptops. Need more battery power though.