Popes comments spark angry protests

Perhaps they don't take it seriously enough.

Everything, unfortunantly, is relative. > >

Meh. I guess it's what's publicised, anyway.
Damn... I guess I missed the Pope Palpatine joke train. All the good ones have been used!
Pope calls Islam a violent religion; Muslims riot. :LOL:
Sad but true.

They riot over a comic and now a comment. People died from rioting over a comic..died from rioting over a comic. Incredible.

Why can't there be mass opposition and protest to the SLAUGHTER of Muslisms BY Muslims in Iraq????? WHAT THE HELL!!!

They love turning a blind eye to the problems engulfing their own religion and lands. And by they i mean the rioters!
im gonna be honest. muslims would do anything for a good ol riot. any excuse..

(well.. most of them.. not all of them)
im gonna be honest. muslims would do anything for a good ol riot. any excuse..

(well.. most of them.. not all of them)
Most people in the world would.. Just look at all the stupid ass soccer/football hooligans that should get their heads blown off by riot police.. It's not the muslims themselves, but rather the environment they live in and such.. I know a ton of muslims over here, and none of'em use any non-necessary violence except in defense.:)
Most people in the world would.. Just look at all the stupid ass soccer/football hooligans that should get their heads blown off by riot police.. It's not the muslims themselves, but rather the environment they live in and such.. I know a ton of muslims over here, and none of'em use any non-necessary violence except in defense.:)

People are idiots. I agree.
lol, so true :p
Its like:
Guy: "Hey man, you blue guys are all plummers!"
*Blue Guy walzes over and fixes the sink
Blue Guy: "Now if you dont shut up i'll fix your bathroom too!"
Islams got as bad a record as Christianity.
Islam and Christianity aren't so different in the first place. Christians have just been more supressed than Muslims so they don't resort to violence as quickly.
And he apologised today.....after creating needless controversy, wasting a lot of print and achieving nothing while looking as if he just bent over to the effigy-burning mob.

I'd like to meet the guy who writes his speeches.
Ive noticed there is alot of ppl on here defending the muslims reactions. And blaming other ppl, why is that?

Maybe, because we are aware that we live in the better part of the world. And know how 'blessed' we are (I know stupid choice of words)

Actually this holly war, Jihad thing is not about religion. (they say it it is)
It's about poor against rich. The opressed against the opressor.

What would you do if someone keeps you down, deliberatly...

I'd have a good old riot to...

Why don't people see it?
^ ^ Exactly, and rich on both sides wish to keep it that way, and fabricate this bogus religious clash to keep the general public in line.
I'd like to see the context behind that quote, but sadly no one seems to think it important enough to publish it. I don't see how quoting someone even vaguely implies any sort of agreement, just count the number of times CptStern has quoted O'Reilly or Coulter.
There are only two reasons to quote someone: to agree, or to respond.

I don't believe that the Pope followed said quote with "well, clearly this guy is talking a load of arse. We love Islam!"
I doubt he'd first spend a load of time mending Church-Islam relations, following the steps of his predecessor, just so he can trash that with 1 quote... :S
this doesn't surprise me.....remember how riled up these people got when some newspaper printed those cartoons?
lol imagine how angry theybe be if they saw a picture of bush stamping on the koran with one foot and showing the soul of his foot with the other.
(with a sign saying death to allah)


that would be mayhem...
lol imagine how angry theybe be if they saw a picture of bush stamping on the koran with one foot and showing the soul of his foot with the other.
(with a sign saying death to allah)


that would be mayhem...

They'd probably be more pissed off if Bush invaded the Middle East.

Oh, wait...
Pope said a dumbass thing, significant portions of the Muslim community made idiots of themselves and validated the Pope's stupidity. Everybody's a retard.
alot of the muslim community where i live seems to be in denial that islam has anything to do with terrorism. frankly i think the muslim community takes their religion to seriosly, anything that casts bad light on their religion they go crazy but with other religions you dont get massive protests or anything crazy.
A lot of Christians in the community where I live seems to be in denial that Christianity has anything to do with terrorism. Frankly, I think the muslim community takes their religion too seriously, anything that casts a bad light on their religion they go crazy but with other religions you dont get massive protests or anything crazy.


Seriously, Islam has nothing to do with terrorism except for the western media bias that pervades this society. After being called violent terrorists and extremists with little justification for 5 years, I think the muslim and islamic communities (different entities FYI) have a right to protest all they want.
well terrorists use islam as a tool. trickery over many muslims eyes.
this doesn't surprise me.....remember how riled up these people got when some newspaper printed those cartoons?

If the positions were reversed (aka, power was in the Middle East, western countries oppressed by the Middle East), and journalists in the ME printed offensive cartoons regarding Jesus/Holy Trinity (which wouldn't happen, as Jesus is a very respected figure in Islam), then the Western World would be up in fire.
I think he actually bases it on quite a lot of human history, dogma, culture, scripture, etc.

Is it plausible one reason terrorism is rife in Islam is because it's the most effective way of making themself heard? Christians in the West can use capitalism and politics. In many ways, it's harder to do so in less 'successful' nations...

As blck_prod, it's affluence vs poverty to a large extent. I doubt things would be too much different if positions were reversed.
Pope said a dumbass thing, significant portions of the Muslim community made idiots of themselves and validated the Pope's stupidity. Everybody's a retard.

Agreed, they deserve each other.

To those of us living in the real world, this simply further confirms that mass organised religion is a pit of stupid.
Agreed, they deserve each other.

To those of us living in the real world, this simply further confirms that mass organised religion is a pit of stupid.

So totally agree ;)
Seek your own spiritual way, path, destiny, peace whatever...
but in the meantime have respect for the fact that someone else does it in an other way, because hopefully he's also an individual....

txs for backup Sulkdodds...As someone said before around these parts. It's not about black or white it's about green and the power that it brings...and off course the fear to loose it -Pfft must be rough for Mr President :LOL: -.
This Pope must be a hypocrite. If he quoted a reference of 14th century, people have more reason to quote the religious Court at that time when they said the Earth was the center of the Universe. The Religious Court burned a scientist to death because he believed the Earth moved around the Sun.

Will he refer something about crusade link to Bush? And medieval torture which Bush tried to legalize?

Benedict XVI lacks of the morality of a leader, the justice of a judge and political wisdom to be a Pope.
For once, I agree with you.

Docs must have got your medication right this time. ;)
One year ago, I wrote a message, allege the inside group murdered former pope John Paul. Now it turns out my opinion is correct. John Paul was anti-war- a war for the security of Israel. So he was murdered and let a pro-Israel priest to be the pope.

Quote, 'September 18, 2006
Benedict XVI: Zionist Double Agent
joannafrancis @ 10:33 pm

It should be obvious to everyone now, that we Catholics who have figured out that the Vatican is under Zionist control, have been right all along. They labeled us "extremists," "sedevacantists," "ultra right-wingers," "fascists," "Nazis," etc. But when the Jews and their useful idiots have to resort to hurling those epithets at you, it usually means you've hit upon the truth. Well, we Catholic "extremists" have the Zionists' number and we have been calling them on it for a long time. Now, maybe the rest of the brainwashed Christians will wake up.

It's really not difficult to understand why Benedict XVI is encouraging emnity between the Catholics and the Muslims. All you have to ask is: cui bono? (who benefits?). The Zionists, of course. The Catholic Church was always their biggest enemy. So naturally the Jews were going to do anything and everything to get it under their control. It took almost 2,000 years, but it finally happened in 1958. The Jews pulled off a coup d'eglise with the election of Freemason Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII) to the Papacy. Immediately upon his election, the media began calling Roncalli "Good Pope John." Be careful when the Jewish-controlled media praises someone, especially a Catholic, that means that person is working for them. Contrast the media's love affair with the post-1958 popes with their hatred of all pre-1958 popes, up to and including Pius XII (who died in 1958). They accuse Pope Pius XII of having been a Nazi, which really means that Pius XII actually thought he was the Pope of the Catholic people and did not realize that he was supposed to be working for the Jews! I have figured out that whoever the Jews hate, you can bet your bottom dollar, that person knows the truth about the Jewish agenda. The converse is also true: whoever the Jews love, that person is a traitor to the Christian people and is really a Zionist tool.
