Porcupine Tree


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Recently got into this band and I think I've fallen in love with "Fear of A Blank Planet". What other album should I listen to?
In Absentia is a must. Couldn't get into the new one.
I really liked Mellotron Scratch but have listened to nothing else beside that song.

Should I?
I'm listening to them right now, never really heard them before, though I've heard the band's name.

Good stuff. Thanks for making me discover this band. :)
In Absentia is simply brilliant.
Thanks for bringing them to my attention :thumbs:
I love the part which starts at 6:20 in Sleep Together.
<3 Porcupine Tree, Arriving Somewhere is one of the most epic songs I know of :)

Amazing band :thumbs:
Heh, my friend bought an Xbox 360 second-hand and one of their albums was left on the hard-drive. Sounded pretty cool, maybe I'll check em out.

In Absentia, you say?
Yep. All the songs on that album vary greatly from each other in terms of style so your bound to like one of them. :)
In Absentia is their finest album. I don't know what I think of them to be honest. I love In Absentia, Deadwing isn't bad and some of the earlier stuff is pretty cool, but when you look back at it all and then you hear the new album it's pretty embarrassing. Some of the lyrics were lol worthy.
I listened to a song from Fearing a Blank Planet. I liked it, it was nice. Especially the part when there's an interlude of a quasi-metal riff. DUN-du, duh, DUN-duh-duruh. DUN-du, duh, DUN-duh-duruh.
I have their last 3 albums and like them, but I don't see how they're so amazing like so many people say.