Porn Mod ?

Dawn is only to give some of You an example how model can looks like on HL2.I don't remember how many polys dawn has,but models for HL2 should look very similar to her(and I am not talking about nudity on this pic since the only nudity on this pic are her breasts,because the THING she has between her legs definately don't exist :cheese: :bounce: ) hehehehe...try to imagine her wearing bikini or something...and running with a gun or making something different in some MOD for HL2...The most importand are the textures,shaders how it all looks like.


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Why isnt there a background? My nudie have that (not the patch, just rename of exe) :)
you cant post the pics here because someone could be at work click your pic to see what it is... have that pic pop up and it could cause them to lose their job. they could then sue the maker of this website for whatever reason. the rules exist for a reason.
Originally posted by Anwar
you cant post the pics here because someone could be at work click your pic to see what it is... have that pic pop up and it could cause them to lose their job. they could then sue the maker of this website for whatever reason. the rules exist for a reason.

im pretty sure you should be fired at your job if your just sitting around surfing the web anyways...

but i can see your point lol.
3d porn guys need to get a life lol.

i feel bad for the kid who has to model a penis ;x
Originally posted by x84D80Yx

3d porn guys need to get a life lol.

Preferrably a life far away from me :)

(on a serious note..... WHY? have you no women you could look at/be with in real life ? )

unfortunatly i can see this being popular..... since the large majority of the 'net community have never even been with anything resembling a woman.... :(
Gosh! It's all about making nice,real women models on HL2.And ther's NO PUSSY There! look closely! (Or You don't know how P**** looks like),That's why this pic is no offensive to anyone.It's only about models.And BTW this Elf female model is from NVidia Presentation!!!!! not form a porn site.I already forgot what this topic was about.Noone'll ever make POrn mod!! it's sick!! (but if someone do i'll play it hehh).
It's about models - so it's off topic.
Let me make it clear to you guys:

There never was ANY TYPE of sex mod for ANY TYPE OF GAME, and there never will be.

I know I sound like a jack-ass but it's true. People just seem to shy-away from such possibilities. And DON'T SAY Neverwinter Nights, cause scripted sex with pre-set animations don't count, (like a sitting animation, and another sitting animation). A good example of this is, 'Max Payne 2'. The tools, the freedom, and a nude model of Mona Sax is given, but that does mean a sex mod for MP2 is in the works? NAY! People just back-away from, 'unpopular', 'ridicoulous', and "childish", (used double quotation that time) notions for mods like that. The same goes for any other game that is moddable (not including games rated Ao, which never have mods for them anyway).

We'll blow some guys head off, but sex is just to extreme it seems. A sad but true fact.

Anyways, I heard Lula 3D is only german :p .
Beanhacker said:
First of all, hello ! been following the boards for a while but this is my first post.....

anyways, the first thing i thought of when i saw the tech demo video was a porn mod - you could start out as a penniless fluffer and then work your way up until you star in your own movies. Upgrades like boob jobs and labia plasty could help you get better roles and there could be 'special weapons' like viagra and vibrators which have a limited time of effect. multiplayer could invovle 3 ways/gangbangs and the like.

what does anyone think? any suggestions appreciated
Unless its done in a comical way, it'll just be rubbish.. Porn and games don't work unless its decent comedy.. that lola game is proof what happens when the comedy is bad too :p

The early larry games, worked cause they were well thought out too.
Don't know who your directing that towards abconners, but some of us are serious in what we're saying.

I've been a PC gamer long enough to know EXACTLY what I'm saying.
Oh, hey, wow... I'm surfing this at school. I keep having to check to see if anyone is behind me... :LOL:
It's not as bad as TDE's other avatar. :rolleyes: He knows what I'm talking about ;)

This sounds interesting. But I agree, porn and games don't work together too well. I, personally, like to play 3D games with both hands, ya know?

And before anyone lambastes me for finding a bunch of triangles to be arousing, check out this!

Ohhhhh yeah. those are some sexy polygons.
I also agree. I'll say it once, and I'll say it again. There will NEVER BE a ACTUAL SEX MOD for ANY KIND of MODDABLE PC GAME.

Hey... wait a tick

... polygons?

Is that what you guys think of HL2 graphics?

For shame people, for shame. :(
Beanhacker said:
First of all, hello ! been following the boards for a while but this is my first post.....

and one hell of a first post it is!!

Beanhacker said:
anyways, the first thing i thought of when i saw the tech demo video was a porn mod

well. well... you sure are determined then.. uhh..

Beanhacker said:
- you could start out as a penniless fluffer and then work your way up until you star in your own movies.


Beanhacker said:
Upgrades like boob jobs and labia plasty could help you get better roles

labia plasty? do you really want to mix surgical procedures with porn? well... i guess so..

Beanhacker said:
and there could be 'special weapons' like viagra and vibrators which have a limited time of effect.

makes me wonder what the 'regular' weapons are

Beanhacker said:
multiplayer could invovle 3 ways/gangbangs and the like.

imagine the fun the ragers/llamas would have with THAT.. haha

Beanhacker said:
what does anyone think? any suggestions appreciated

Stick to regular porn :)
Has anyone not seen that this thread was started over a year ago? :D
Haha, thats pretty funny. Well sex in a game/mod is different than a whole mod derived from the Porn industry.
The Thing said:
Has anyone not seen that this thread was started over a year ago? :D

yeah, but it is truly a classic thread
The Thing said:
Thread about porn = classic


no, thread about making a hl2 porn mod = classic :p
I mean, its one of those things you expect 100%, but for some reason theres only one thread on it, be thankful for this :D
I bet 50, (imaginary), dollars that there will be no porn mod.

If I lose, I'll eat my words, and kiss ass. I'll also change my signature to, "LOST A BET. FLAME ME AT WILL", for a week.

If I win, then I'll just bathe myself in the light of victory, and 'skool' some guys in HL2 multiplayer. :D
Reminds me of Max Payne2. They made a model of Mona Sax naked (i wish i worked there :p) because there was a dream sequence when you see mona in the shower and they play the track of her orgasming, but once you get close it fades to black. But because the model was there, people modded it so you could see mona naked whenever she was ingame
Hmm... I don't know about that.

Mona Sax just being naked isn't what one would call a 'porn mod'. Just two boobs on a screen dosn't really mean 'pornography' in my book.

This thing is a WHOLE step BEYOND the Mona Sax example.
ya know this is REALLY...REALLY......ReALLy SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

go watch porno you sick people so you dont post your crap here :mad:
Yes KNoX

Sex is so sick and disgusting isn't it? Much worse then SHOOTING OFF HEADS WITH A SHOTGUN. *sarcasm*

(Honestly have nothing against the two by the way).

I also see nothing wrong with the way this thread is headed. It's actually getting pretty interesting now, in terms of the possibility that something will be made that never existed.

I mean honestly, if your gonna flame some of us KNoX, do it above a 3rd grade level will ya? *snap*
Since I have no life or Girlfriend, I would most likely play it

Throw in some Hentai elements too, Hydra's are good for other things..... :naughty: :naughty:
uhh... maybe in your own time USCM-RandomM... right, (too much information there). <_<
i want a porn mod. plz, someone make it!
I would make it myself; but I don't have time. Also, it would suck because I am 33 years old and I have never played with my self. lol
joking. I do it all the time.
USCM-RandomM said:
Since I have no life or Girlfriend, I would most likely play it

Throw in some Hentai elements too, Hydra's are good for other things..... :naughty: :naughty:


Let's not forget the lonely Combine Soldiers :naughty:
That's it!

I will pistol-whip the next man who uses subliminal hentai references!

GRRR!!! >:|