
May 15, 2003
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Right, first off, this is a serious discussion, so no random annoying posting of stuff like "teh pr0n is 1337" (such posts will be deleted, since I have the power).... real views please. Ok, nothing too obscene. Secondly this thread is likely to be only for those of a suitible maturity, so neither I or take any responsibility for any mental damage incurred, you're on your own, goodnight.

I'm going to get my views striaght out: Porn is WRONG, I'm not saying I have never looked at a porn site, but I feel that it is striaght out wrong. For the reasons I am about to outline:

1. The people posing are creuly exploited, doing it out of desperation, playing their last hand
2. The industry is pure evil in itself, psycologically damaging individuals it sucks in
3. The material its is volitile in the extreme, it can pervert a malleable individual's (such as a child) view of the world
4. Lusting over porn is in itself is wrong, since lust is counter-productive, it stops you thinking of women in anything but a sexual sense over time
5. Some of the more extreme stuff hurts and injures the participents, and thats just plain wrong, if people wish to do that to themselves, thats their buisness, but people shouldn't be forced to

there are more, but I'm handing the soapbox to you lot.

Please note, I'm sure some people here look at porn and are perfectly nice people, and I do not judge you as a bad person for doing it.
teh pr0n is 1337


FLS-EDIT: Shame on you...Such a high ranking person as well. Spamming like this.
I dont like REAL porn that much (cant say I hate it though ;)), but I do enjoy artistic nudity, it doesnt even have to show anything.

/me needs to find a girlfriend

BadgerEDIT: * mrBadger has a girlfriend :)
For some reason, the way you've worded your thread it makes me think your religious, I'd guess Christianity, it's the only religion which is what it stands against ( basicly put, evil ).

Anyway, getting back on track.. simply put your wrong, you have some valid points but your wrong. Now I'll tell you why..

1. The people posing are creuly exploited, doing it out of desperation, playing their last hand

You must be kidding... right? This isn't prostitution. You might get some noname smallfry company exploiting girls who are desperate but about 95% of it is all above board. Both sexes, especially females litterally line up in queues that put new york cinemas to shame when they're showing a popular sequal, to get a part in a porno. The money they get is amazing and people who love sex love their job too. They don't feel exploited, they're just having fun with their lives.

2. The industry is pure evil in itself, psycologically damaging individuals it sucks in

Seriously, your kidding right?

3. The material its is volitile in the extreme, it can pervert a malleable individual's (such as a child) view of the world

Loads of kids manage to get their hands on a porno, mainly using the internet these days but back in the day it was always the top of dads wordrobe. Most kids are fine with it, have a laugh, learn a hell of a lot and it helps prepare them for the time they will have sex when they're older. Even starts them on masterbation which has been proven to be healthy for a human being.

4. Lusting over porn is in itself is wrong, since lust is counter-productive, it stops you thinking of women in anything but a sexual sense over time

A very very small percentage of people "lust over porn", some people have the odd video and watch it from time to time. That's not lusting. You use these forums, you don't lust over them.

Porn doesn't MAKE you do anything, it's all up to the individual person's mind and how it works. Plus quite a few women like to feel like objects of desire, it's their power over men. I've talked to loads of women, mate's friends, ex girlfriends who feel like this.

5. Some of the more extreme stuff hurts and injures the participents, and thats just plain wrong, if people wish to do that to themselves, thats their buisness, but people shouldn't be forced to

They're not forced, well, some are but the percentage is very small. Some couples / individuals love bondage, slave and master, etc.

Hell why do you think BDSM dungeons exist.


For some reason your attitude towards it does come off like someone blindly following a faith / religion..
I like Porn cause it turns me ON!!!!!!!!!! :p :cheers: :afro:
Originally posted by D33
For some reason, the way you've worded your thread it makes me think your religious, I'd guess Christianity, it's the only religion which is what it stands against ( basicly put, evil ).

For some reason your attitude towards it does come off like someone blindly following a faith / religion..

funnily enough, I'm not religious in the slightest, and you do have some good points, I'm talking about when it is taken to the extreme. I don't blindly follow, i think based on experience :)
Originally posted by mrBadger
1. The people posing are creuly exploited, doing it out of desperation, playing their last hand
2. The industry is pure evil in itself, psycologically damaging individuals it sucks in
3. The material its is volitile in the extreme, it can pervert a malleable individual's (such as a child) view of the world
4. Lusting over porn is in itself is wrong, since lust is counter-productive, it stops you thinking of women in anything but a sexual sense over time
5. Some of the more extreme stuff hurts and injures the participents, and thats just plain wrong, if people wish to do that to themselves, thats their buisness, but people shouldn't be forced to

1) Some might be exploited, but most are not. It's not exactly the most demanding job now is it?
2) The industry is as much "evil" as the Armament Industry which I don't think is "evil".
3) I agree to this though, children should not be subjected to pornography at least until they have reached puberty and have knowledge of their sexuality.
4) This really depends on a person's morality and psychologiaal behavior. What you have said could be applied to obese people.
5) I agree, extreme pornography should be banned and punished with extreme severity (life sentence/death penalty for pedophilia): sex with animals, children, cadavers, excrements, urine, etc...
ah that's ok then. I work in a very religious village and I'm just plain sick of it all. They're so blind it does my nut in. Soz for saying that then but after talking to half the wacky fknuts in this village your wording did somewhat resemble how they talk.
/me whips )[eVo]( Para then sets a horse upon his chocolate starfish.
I blindly follow my faith! As does every Christian on the planet. When it comes to things like this, my opinion is very closed. I'm completely ignorant to everything even remotely scientific. If i see a book on evolution i burn it. I like to tell people they are going to hell.

At least....thats what everyone tells me about Christians, before even knowing that I'm one. When they find out, they try to fit my Circle actions into this Square description...Oh well.

Sorry about my little rant there.

Anyway, i cant really be bothered making much comment in this thread. I do say this though. I do think pornography is wrong. Our society is going to pot. They say there is more rape and violence going on now. They bring all these physiologists onto the TV to have a debate, but for some reason they don't make the obvious link between what is fed into our lives 24/7 and the increase in such things. People say things like television don't have an effect on us, but they do. They give us completely false views of the world.
Letting anyone, let alone children watch pornography is a bad idea. The effect it has on us isn't always noticeable, but il tell you, if you could someone look at yourself before you ever got into it, you would see a difference. There are a lot of things i avoid now, because i know that all they do is pollute my mind with crap. You know, every time i play a computer game, i wonder if i should really be playing it.
Even mild stuff, like in adverts annoys me. Not only because i think porn is wrong. But when they use it to advertise soemthing, its just cheap. Come up will something original and clever! Instead of slapping a couple of breast on it and sitting back.

I realise what i just talked about was very fractured and probably didn't make a lot of sense. But my hands are very cold, I'm very hungry and i had a late night and got up early. So I'm not in the best way to be talking about this. But anyway, I'm going to keep looking at this thread and see how people talk about it.
yeah, you seem to see what I am on about, Para

Well, it's just the porno industry exploits people's bodies....

a do agree that a lot of what I have said actaully depends on the indivual who is 'using' the pornography.
Ok first of all D33 how come you get to have a friggin' huge monster sized avatar like that? And if " D33 whips )[eVo]( Para then sets a horse upon his chocolate starfish." means what I think it means then...

*Para brings out the gimp, and unchains him!

Watch out, I've been feeding him Viagra for the past few days... hehe :)
D33 u have the most gay avatar ive seen. no offence :D
Sorry for making you feel insulted, Farrowlesparrow but I have no respect for such a backwards, judgemental, self-absorbed religion. I'm not ignorant on the matter by any means but after having a boss who's very very into christianity ( and is taking over a local church ) blast on to me about how all gay people are evil and are just plain wrong on my first day of work ( i ain't gay btw ) doesn't make me feel all hapy happy joy joy... this whole village is just so stuck up their own ass it's sickening.
I agree with a lot of what D33 said (in his earlier posts about porn i mean) :)
You know...i don't think he blasted about how gay people are evil. I think you are exaggerating. Or have misunderstood. Christians don't think gay people are evil. But we are very against homosexuality, that doesn't mean we don't still love them. The comment about the village...people are generally stuck up their own arses. No matter what they believe. Its difficult for Christians though, having to keep down this attitude of being right all the time. But you know what...its to be expected, because to be honest. We are right. God is real.

Anyway, i really don't want to get into another religious debate. This is about pornography.
^^ I agree with Hoodlum your avatar is sick, I don't know why but it represents "evil"! And why is it so friggin' huge??!
Fair enough Farrowlesparrow and your right, he wasen't calling it evil but he was calling it sick, disgusting and unnatural...

Just kinda.. miffs me right off :/
I'm a christian, I never felt homosexuality was evil though. It's a natural thing.
Anyone ever seen "Coupling"? One of the best sitcoms around! better than friends in most of the episodes. Especially episode 2x01 - "The Man With Two Legs"....however.....I read all the posts here and there's quite a good amount of good points here. I'm now gonna quote Steve from Coupling on the whole "porn" thing:

Women: "How can you possibly like such a film?"

Steve: "Because it's got naked women in it! Look, I like naked women! I'm a bloke! We're supposed to like them, we're born like that! We like naked women as soon as we're pulled out of one. Half way down the birth-canal we're already enjoing the view!
Look, It's the four pillars of the male heterosexual phyche. We like: Naked women, stockings, lesbians and Sean Connery's bests of James Bond because that is what being a boy is, and if you don't like it darling, join a film-collective.
Look, I want to spend the rest of my life with the women at the end of that table there but that does not stop me from wanting to see several more thousand bottoms before I die, because that's what being a bloke is!
When man invented fire he didn't say: Hey! let's cook! He said: Great! now we can se naked bottoms in the dark! As soon as <insert name here> invented the printing press, we were using it to print pictures of...whehey! Naked bottoms! We've turned the internet into an enormous database of naked bottoms. So, you see, the story of male achievements through the ages, feeble though it may've been, have been the strugle to get a better look at your bottoms!"

Gotta love it!
hmm this is going off topic, i dont really see anything wrong with porn really its just a bit perverted obviously lol
I never said it was unnatural.. I don't mean to offend, I don't want this to turn into a massive falming match:

What I say is that it gets missused.. I don't personally believe its 'right' but I don't think sex is wrong :P... I'm saying some take it too far, and it isn't always appropriate.... I know it seems like I am backing down here, but I am not, my personal experience is that people get exploited by porn... I know some women like posing and stuff... well I dunno :(
If they don't like posing, tell them not to pose ;)
Originally posted by Tull91
Anyone ever seen "Coupling"? One of the best sitcoms around! better than friends in most of the episodes. Especially episode 2x01 - "The Man With Two Legs"....however.....I read all the posts here and there's quite a good amount of good points here.
I love that show :D

About porn:
It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong - it exists and it's not going to go away. There will always be people who don't like it and there will be some who do.

I don't really know how it "corrupts" people, since I'm sure they can think logically for themselves.
I agree with mrBadger on the porn issue. It just doesn't feel right to me, I know that some of those girls are being forced into this one way or another and I don't want to support that. All porn also exploits people and it just....I don't know it just feels wrong to me.
Originally posted by mrBadger
yeah but sometimes they pose becuase its easy money...

Well that's not being forced, that's being lazy.
If you compare the amount of people who have no other way out but to do porn to the people who do it because they love it, you'll have a ratio of something like this:

0.4 : 99.6
Of course...we all know what we are talking about. Because we are all part of the porn industry. :sarcasticsmile:

Most of us if not all of us, will be guessing and quoting statistics we have heard on the TV. Statistics which to be honest are a load of crap.
See, this debate will never end. Everyone has their own steadfast beleifs and won't change it from what some guy on the internet says.

I don't care for porn, but don't think it is bad. Violence is bad, but when its for entertainment purposes (TV, video games, that sort, not real) I think it is fine. Swears are just another word to use for me as well.

Now, I don't go forcing my opinions on anyone. What REALLY makes me mad, beyond red-faced anger, is when somebody else tries to make it so I cannot continue with what I believe in. For example, there are several politicians trying to make video game violence ILLEGAL. My god, it is for entertainment. If some kid goes and shoots up a school yard because it looked good in his game, it isn't the developers damned fault. First off, that kid had a screw loose anyway. Second, what the hell are the parents doing? That's another think I hate, ignorant parents that are too quick to blame movies, games, tv, music, etc. instead of their damned selves. They sit back and let their kids do what the want, and if something goes wrong, it is instantly not their fault.

Ugh, I can go on FOREVER about this crap. Instead I will stop my rant. I am a very opinionated person, but I try not to force my beliefs on anyone. If those damn politicians take away something from MY life because THEY think it is wrong, I'll be damned if I sit back and let it happen. Anyone see xXx (the movie, not porn) with Vin Deisel? In the beginning he steals a senator's corvette and drives it off a bridge to get back at him for attempting to take away violent video games. I can seriously see myself doing stupid things like that....

Anyway, as long as they keep off my beliefs, I am a happy guy.
I'm not a christian. I don't believe there is a god. In fact, i believe that religion contributes to *some* source of evil on this planet.

Having said that, I'm going to next say that porn, yes is bad. Some of the stuff those women do is wrong. All that extreme crap is disgusting, cruel and puts women to shame. Sure porn is fun to look at, and I myself enjoy is very much, but that extreme stuff is groos. Child porn is just plain sick.

However, i feel that if the individual chooses so, and if she has a really nice body, there is nothing wrong with showing it off. The human body is a beautiful thing, and as long as these women don't get into that gross shit, it's fine to just...pose nude. It's not provoking all that wrong extreme stuff. It's just the pure female human body, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, young kids really shouldn't look at even that....
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Of course...we all know what we are talking about. Because we are all part of the porn industry. :sarcasticsmile:

Most of us if not all of us, will be guessing and quoting statistics we have heard on the TV. Statistics which to be honest are a load of crap.

Well actually we are, believe it or not, sitting upon the largest database on the planet. :)

As for being in the porn industry, look out for a white guy with a big dick, that's meee \o/
On the thing about women being forced into this because they dont have any money. Do you honestly think Jenna Jameson or Carmen Electra are short on cash? They are bloody rich and they like doing porno flicks because its fun. Theres nothing really unatural about it, I mean, its the human body. If you dont like the hardcore stuff dont watch it. I agree that it is gross but some people like doing it so why should you stop them from doing it, just dont watch. The human body is a beautiful thing, if anything, clothes is unatural, but you wont catch me running around naked :P.
U r seriously disturbed u cant say stuff like that

i was referring to d33 btw
hehe, I always laugh at the people who have a problem with free speach.. Hey, Fat Tony!



.... vagina!!

It does depend on the context. For instance i wont edit out penis if someone is talking about one. But if they call someone a penis, then i will. Free speech is a funny thing, it doesnt really exist unless you are on your own. Otherwise, there is always something you cant/wont say because someone might be offended. As ive said before though, taking offense shows an un-willingness to if you are offended, then you are in the wrong as well :)
willy ;(

( side note : fs fs fs fs, just ran over my toes with my pute chair!!1 )