
IS pornography a no no or a yes yes

  • no no

    Votes: 15 16.0%
  • yes yes

    Votes: 79 84.0%

  • Total voters


May 3, 2006
Reaction score
an alternative?
the devils tool?
keeps people with large cocks and big tits off the streets?

What are your thoughts?
Immoral, wrong and intensely shallow. But then again, I can't help but look.
Anything's fine, in moderation. Heck, it might even be helpful during sex
Most porn is nothing more than legal prostitution.
Still, it's a choice the "whore" makes, so then it's a question of how much freedom is too much.
I got over porn for the most part a year or so ago. I have a great girlfriend who I love very much, and nothing can satisy me more than her. Though when I'm alone and very horny, I do have an urge to look at a little, but I never bother to score hard-to-get stuff on the internet.

I think another reason I don't watch porn anymore is because it greatly objectifies women, and I really can't stand for stuff like that.
I'm not a huge fan, I can't stand how so much of it essentially objectifies women... but it's not the elemental evil some people make it out to be. In my opinion, if you're mature enough for it, then go ahead and wank away :thumbs:
The question is not very formally structured, so I am positing an official question:

"Is pornography in any form generally acceptable for use by most people?"
Or, in fewer words:
"Is porn okay?"

To which I voted YesYes. My personal feelings about pornography are completely irrelevant to the fact that it's okay.
I dont hav problem whit porn

for some reason I hav stoped looking at it,I didnt looked too much anyway
but when I am uber extremely horny,and alone,I wacht some
but what I wacht is just naked womans,I dont like sex or all that sutff just a woman naked
Wow, you all make me feel like I watch porn too much
Someone else tell me they're as sick as I am D:
Ikerous said:
Wow, you all make me feel like I watch porn too much
Someone else tell me they're as sick as I am D:

No, you're alone in your sickness. And no, bestiality is not acceptable as a way to satisfy one's needs.
AntiAnto said:
No, you're alone in your sickness. And no, bestiality is not acceptable as a way to satisfy one's needs.

But what if the doggy and a ugly woman who would never otherwise be able to get some woman are horney???

Back on topic, pr0n is ok, better than drugs or alcoholism at any rate.
Krynn72 said:
But what if the doggy and a ugly woman who would never otherwise be able to get some woman are horney???

Back on topic, pr0n is ok, better than drugs or alcoholism at any rate.

I would rather hit a line of coke then watch porn.
No I haven't, but that's just cuz I can't afford the addiction
That shits pricey
So, if someone paid for it, for you, then you'd do it!?!

DRUGGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IKEROUS!!!!!
Ikerous said:
Wow, you all make me feel like I watch porn too much
Someone else tell me they're as sick as I am D:
I offer my support but decline to comment further than that ;)
Am I the only one who voted no? Or who think it's bad...?
Some of you people are serious tightasses, heh.

Porn is cool, sure, whatever. I don't understand the question, though. Nor do I see any possible reason for it to be immoral or shallow, there, Antonio.
Erestheux said:
Some of you people are serious tightasses, heh.

Porn is cool, sure, whatever. I don't understand the question, though. Nor do I see any possible reason for it to be immoral or shallow, there, Antonio.

We're more than animals...
AntiAnto said:
Am I the only one who voted no? Or who think it's bad...?
Apparently so :/
Don't worry, being in the minority eint so bad ^_^
Erestheux said:
Animals watch porn?

How can our sexual needs be satisfied by the disgracing representation of a naked woman paid for presenting her body without self-respect?

EDIT: Animals will satisfy their primary needs without thinking of the morality. They will rub their genitals against your leg without even thinking if you'll like it.

EDIT 2: Yes, I said molarity.
Haha, the extremist feminist outlook. How entertaining.

Without self-respect, oh man, haha.

Also, I wonder what kind of animals watch porn :O
Yes its okay and I will go so far as to say that its great, but maybe not for the reasons you might think.

Its just that the porn industry doesn't play by the same rules as the mainstream movie industry and therefore doesn't have to adopt the same marketing strategies to get their product into the hands of their customers. They don't have Wal-Mart and Target to help them make their dough, so they innovate and others watch them to see the new model they come up with out of necessity and others copy it out of greed or "business-savvy," whatever you want to call it. Digital downloads of full-length features and VOD (Video On Demand) are just a couple of areas where the porn industry is blazing a trail, just like they did with adopting VHS way back when. Since they can't make money the same way a mainstream studio might, they are forced to get creative and actually put some thought behind their strategies and do something that the other tripe-peddlers in Hollywood have the luxury of not having to do: use their brains.
Erestheux said:
Haha, the extremist feminist outlook. How entertaining.

Without self-respect, oh man, haha.

Also, I wonder what kind of animals watch porn :O

The self-respect is a choice. It's not the point. Pornography is displaying the human body in a perverse, sexual way. Sexuality has been turned into something dreary.

EDIT: It's just sad to turn our most basic instinct into something that useless and accessible.
Well, I don't even know what this thread is about. Is it about the legality of porn being no or yes, or is it about if you think porn is cool or not, or is it about if you look at porn? Who knows.

At the end of the day, though, you're like "Antonio is the perfect name for a porn star."
Erestheux said:
Well, I don't even know what this thread is about. Is it about the legality of porn being no or yes, or is it about if you think porn is cool or not, or is it about if you look at porn? Who knows.

At the end of the day, though, you're like "Antonio is the perfect name for a porn star."

First, it's AntiAnto.
Second, it refers to Antoine.
Third... I don't have a third point :(
I like Antonio, it sounds more sexy.

Antonio Anderez stars in... Hot Cops.
Women aren't the only ones presented in porn, and far be it from me to dictate how other people employ their natural beauty.
AntiAnto said:
The self-respect is a choice. It's not the point. Pornography is displaying the human body in a perverse, sexual way. Sexuality has been turned into something dreary.

EDIT: It's just sad to turn our most basic instinct into something that useless and accessible.

Please define "perverse", "useless" and "dreary".

The problem is that those are all just gut reactions. They don't determine whether pornography is wrong or not. Only that you personally dislike it.

Superficially, I'd say the problem with dreary, useless porn is that you're looking at the wrong porn. :p
Mechagodzilla said:
Please define "perverse", "useless" and "dreary".

The problem is that those are all just gut reactions. They don't determine whether pornography is wrong or not. Only that you personally dislike it.

Superficially, I'd say the problem with dreary, useless porn is that you're looking at the wrong porn. :p
Since the question of this thread is kind of... nonspecific... maybe he was only talking about why he personally dislikes it. Which is fine as long as you do not force that onto others.

Just to defend my new hero Antonio Anderez.
lol, we can tell how many people look at porn on this forum.... :p
Have a global ban on all sex, masturbation, and porn.