
IS pornography a no no or a yes yes

  • no no

    Votes: 15 16.0%
  • yes yes

    Votes: 79 84.0%

  • Total voters
Erestheux said:
Since the question of this thread is kind of... nonspecific... maybe he was only talking about why he personally dislikes it. Which is fine as long as you do not force that onto others.

Well since it's in the politics forum, I figure the personal taste bit isn't the focus.
Hazar said:
since all of thoes are bad :rolleyes:

Then we will stop being so emotionally and sexually centered and become an intelligent species that will go out with a standing ovation. Can you imagine a world with no sexual attraction or feelings to boost one's self up? No more materialism. All these needs for girls and guys out the window. Stress of that aspect of life would be gone and the efficieny of all nations would improve greatly. That is my dream. LOL hahahahahaha.
Mechagodzilla said:
Riiight. A world without sex has less stress.

You know it is true considering how much focus it is given and how many things are sold using sexual attraction.
Mechagodzilla said:
So capitalism causes stress?

plz elaborate

It does. Since we feel this desire for sex or for people of the opposite sex to be attracted to us, we work so hard to have good sexual attraction. Many products sold promise to enhance your sexual attraction or just attraction in many different ways. It can put a lot of stress on someone constantly worrying about some girl and how she views him. Stress of relationships of that sort would also be gone. Everyone would talk to each other as if they were just another human being. Guys would not be accussed of being dicks or assholes and girls would not be accused of being slutty whores. I could go on about this whole thing but I am rather tired. I will go to bed momentarily.
porn is good exept from the following people

scat loving germans- "ack mein scheissen!"

internet people like Mister goatse or *******- the internet is a scary place

furry artists- say no to "yiff"

really messed up japanese- how you can be aroused by a girl shitting live eels is beyond me.
OK for f*uck sake.

What I meant was do you think its wrong to buy, look at and wack off to porn or not.

I guess I should have worded it abit differently. Sorry.

I thought it would be understood though. I just basically wanted peoples thoughts on the subject. Anywayz
Its like a no yes and a yes no.
The most base freedom.

Satisfying, sexual, and totally capitalistic. A big shit on the chest of communists/socialist authoritarians.

RakuraiTenjin said:
The most base freedom.

Satisfying, sexual, and totally capitalistic. A big shit on the chest of communists/socialist authoritarians.


A big shit on the chest of capitalist authoritarians too, I woulda thought.
gick said:
A big shit on the chest of capitalist authoritarians too, I woulda thought.

Waht? Anti-communist Authoritarianism ftw.
gick said:
A big shit on the chest of capitalist authoritarians too, I woulda thought.
There are very few. Most authoritarians tend to naturally have socialist tendencies. Religious wackos have more in common on an economics scale with a lot of socialists than they do with libertarians who are for REAL freedom.
RakuraiTenjin said:
There are very few. Most authoritarians tend to naturally have socialist tendencies. Religious wackos have more in common on an economics scale with a lot of socialists than they do with libertarians who are for REAL freedom.

Ya, well I was kinda thinking of people like Thatcher (big on economic freedom, didnt like the social type much) or General Pinochet etc etc.
Captain M4d said:
I think another reason I don't watch porn anymore is because it greatly objectifies women, and I really can't stand for stuff like that.
This is my problem with it as well. Superficially it's ok as the people in it most likely choose to become pornstars and if you don't like it, don't watch it.
However beyond that it can give guys a lot of misguided and often unfair ideas of sexual dominance and expectations of women's sexuality.

I wouldn't consider pornstars prostitutes as such, because pornstars are far more likely to have gone into that profession as a choice, whereas prostitution is usually a move of desperation. Although there are, I feel sure, exceptions in both cases.

On the other hand, if I said I totally opposed pornography, I'd be a hypocrite.

madog, your ideas of a world expunged of sexual desire confuse me. Undermining one of the most intrinsic aspects of human nature does not elevate us as a sentiuent species. Coming to terms with it and embracing it does.
gick said:
Ya, well I was kinda thinking of people like Thatcher (big on economic freedom, didnt like the social type much) or General Pinochet etc etc.
And, dare I say it, Hitler.

Yes it was called National Socialism. No it wasn't really socialist at all.
The extremist feminist standpoint still holds absolutely no ground for me.

Do you know how much men are depicted as sex-superheros in generic pornography? At the very least, you can't say "Women are depicted as sex objects, not men!" Men are depicted as uncontrollable sex machines from Mars.

Everyone is objectified and characatured in mainstream porn in some way, but how that makes it sick and wrong and detremental is beyond me. Its no different than the super built hero dude that can outrun the explosion in Hollywood, or the super sexy photoshopped supermodels in Vogue. If we were to illegalize porn because it objectifies the female body and form, the huge amount of mass media bans that would be neccesary under the same pretense would almost entirely eradicated mainsteam entertainment. Not to mention that it would be absolutely sexist to ban the female body whereas the male body is left unscathed.

In fact, since most porn you can easily obtain is not mainstream porn (Playboy and porn "movies"), it is quite often in fact just normal people doing sex acts. Out of all mass medias, following VictimofScience's post, perhaps the fact that porn is so "underground" really gives them the freedom to more aptly depict people instead of turning them into superhuman characatures.

The female body is objectified in so much more than porn, but at least porn isn't ashamed or misleading about it. I couldn't see any woman being offended by porn any more than I am offended by the hardcore musclemen that can nonstop f*ck for four straight hours.
There is nothing wrong with porn. I know girls who watch it.:naughty
But seriously, i get turned off to see a giant **** getting shoved into ***** and**** to be ****. It's ****. Realy is.
Erestheux, men - and there really is no pun intended here - tend to come off better. They conform to "positive" male stereotypes of the insatiable sexual conquerer, asserting his masculinity.
Women are, for the most part, the more submissive party. The idea being that it will encourage some men to see women in general as these submissive sex objects, rampant and willing to do whatever with whomever, so long as they get filled. It's all about expectations and unfair assumptions, etc.
I've never seen porn that you are describing. Maybe you could give me an example?

Perhaps its because I don't watch hetero porn very often (take that as you will :naughty:), but I don't see how a woman having sex depicts her as a sex object. Sometimes girls just lay there while the guys do the, ehrm... moving. But I fail to see how that is acting submissive...
Objectification is a 2 way street.
Males often get reduced to the status of living dildos, plus they get paid less and a lot of times their faces don't even show up on camera, dehumanizing them even more.

Who's being objectified now?
And how is it more offensive than the objectification of people in any other form of media?
Maybe it's not? /shrug

I don't think Chi was advocating banning it.
Me neither, but I know that people use Chi's justification to try to ban it.
Sulkdodds said:
And, dare I say it, Hitler.

Yes it was called National Socialism. No it wasn't really socialist at all.
Government nationalization of a lot of programs/business = socialism.
el Chi said:
Erestheux, men - and there really is no pun intended here - tend to come off better. They conform to "positive" male stereotypes of the insatiable sexual conquerer, asserting his masculinity.
Women are, for the most part, the more submissive party. The idea being that it will encourage some men to see women in general as these submissive sex objects, rampant and willing to do whatever with whomever, so long as they get filled. It's all about expectations and unfair assumptions, etc.

Except in the dominatrix ones I suppose.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Government nationalization of a lot of programs/business = socialism.
That's not all their is to socialism and Hitler kept plenty of businesses intact. In fact, he supported big business to quite a large extent - and he believed in political/economic/racial darwinism.
Sulkdodds said:
That's not all their is to socialism and Hitler kept plenty of businesses intact. In fact, he supported big business to quite a large extent - and he believed in political/economic/racial darwinism.

National Socialism =/= Socialsim.

My god, I typed 'their' instead of 'there'. I will now make a public apology.

Flyingdebris said:
Objectification is a 2 way street.
Males often get reduced to the status of living dildos, plus they get paid less and a lot of times their faces don't even show up on camera, dehumanizing them even more.

I really don't think the guys care wether their faces are on screen or not. They get to **** gorgeous women and get payed for it. Especially the types of guys in the industry. Plus the majority of people that buy porn would be, I'm assuming, male. I'm guessing the less of the male figure is seen the better. It gives the chance of imagining that its your face behind the cock I guess. Who knows.
Sulkdodds said:
and he believed in political/economic/racial darwinism.

Just to clarify... you mean Survival of the fittest?

Economic Darwinism would mean a truely free market, with no restrictions against monopoly. Survival of the Fittest indeed.
kirovman said:
Just to clarify... you mean Survival of the fittest?

Economic Darwinism would mean a truely free market, with no restrictions against monopoly. Survival of the Fittest indeed.

It's good for me, the consumer.
Rizzo89 said:
It's good for me, the consumer.

Ah, but if a company has no real competition, it can control the markets, including the pricing.

Competition brings prices down and encourages innovation.
If someone wants to look at porn, its their own choice, but like all things, if that becomes some ones life.. then it can be a problem.
kirovman said:
Just to clarify... you mean Survival of the fittest?

In hitler's case, survival of the fittest was used as a halfhearted excuse for enforced eugenics.
Bit off topic, but people take the whole 'survival of the fittest' thing out of context. Darwin didnt mean exactly that, he meant survival of the most fitting to the environment.