Porsche GT3 +WIP+


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Started working on this earlier this week. It's my fist attempt at splines EVER so I'm still trying to get used to using them in Lightwave :D.

Whad'ya' think of it so far? C/C would be awesome :thumbs:. Oh, and BTW, it's okay that the blueprints don't match up perfectly, it's very rare that they do. 95% is a great target when modelling with splines, or so I was told on the www.lwg3d.com forums ;).

Angle 01:

Angle 02:

Angle 03:
Hehe, thanks Pen. It's weird working with splines, but I'm slowly getting used to them :).
Heh, dude I've only been modelling for a couple of months now. I'm not saying I'm experienced at all (far from it), but I know some things :D.
Looking good :), its nice to see someone els here that uses Lightwave :)
Hehe, yeah. I found a good alternative, but if that fails... it's all up to you Pen! Lol :p

just started re-patching. how's it looking so far? (click on the images for bigger versions... :eek:)

FPrime render:

Great work, dude! Keep it up, thats awesome!
that's pretty snazzy =P

i wish i had a car like that . . .
Hehe, Pen; I haven't started adding detail yet. First you have to just get the general shape and form. That's what the splines and the spline patching is for; general shape :p.
More updates... I think I'm done with all the patching unless someone thinks that I should change anything before I move on to the more detailed contour and small details.

What do ya' think?

FPrime render (front):

FPrime render (rear):
Haha, thanks again Pen. I think that I'm starting to get the hang of spline-modelling, FINALLY! wewt!
That's really good - I think you've got the shape perfect. Now just to add some detail :)
Looks sweet, I'd have done a GT2 but that's just me :p
Hehe, I was thinkin' of doing a 993 Porsche GT2 (I think that's the right one :p) but I just couldn't find any good blueprints for it.
Here's an update for today :D:

It has given me a headache so far, but I managed to work through the trickiest parts of the front bumper (ALL BY MYSELF! ^__^). Yay for me!

Since this is my first car model, I'm really trying hard to make it good, so keep that in mind...

your car is starting to look fantastic!

i myself started a car model, the corners all all rounded up after the meshsmooth, and my nice looking mesh in "low-poly" looks sweet and ok, but after the meshsmooth my wireframe isn't that good anymore, how do you fix vertexes after meshsmooth ? or in the low-poly version, so they look good in meshsmooth ? (like on your porsche GT, the corners are all rounded, how will you make them sharper?)

hope you can help me out with this problem :)
Hmm, well it sounds like you're using Max? I use NewTek's Lightwave 7.5c :D, so I'm not exactly sure how to do the sharper corners. Possibly ask someone who uses Max, I'm sure that they could be of more help than I could.
it's ok, i was modeling way to low-poly, i got it now, i'm making an oldtimer at the moment, maybe ill post some picture of it when it's starting to get nicer to see :)
but i don't think i can post high poly stuff here that isn't for HL² or a MOD, so i probbly wont post it here :)
I'm sure we'd all be excited to see your car when it's ready, simon :p.
lol, well, it takes me forever to model something, so be patient :)
when my hood is done, and my front grill, ill render it :p