Portal 2 Co-op Teaser


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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On tonight's "Valve episode" of Gametrailers TV, we were given a glimpse of Portal 2's co-op bots in this short, but sweet, teaser trailer.

In case you had something better to do - or maybe you don't have Spike TV on your channel guide - Erik Wolpaw had a few things to say about the co-op experience. Mind you, most of this stuff may be review.

*Two robots, four portals
*Whole brand-new set of puzzles
*Completely different storyline
GlaDOS is running the tests again, but she needs these robots to be more human-like with their thinking and logic. Because, well, Erik actually kind of compared the idea to the Schr?dinger's cat experiement. But here GlaDOS is a cold and calculated machine, and she makes cold and calculated decisions. The same goes for the two robots. The results for GlaDOS would be biased and inconclusive. So, she sends them into the bowels of Aperture Science on a team archeological hunt for human relics. Relics as simple as a "#1 Dad!" coffee mug. That human connection with the robots will serve as the catalyst for GlaDOS's tests.
Valve will be attending PAX in just a few weeks, and they have more co-op and singleplayer to show us there. Oh, and Erik Johnson also mentioned that "the stake is in the ground" for the recently announced February 9th, 2011 release date. So good news all around, folks.


EDIT: I guess the entire episode of tonight's Gametrailers TV is already up on the web. There's also information about L4D's upcoming DLC, titled "The Sacrifice". You can watch that here.
Haha, oh god that was so epic!

Can't wait for this game!
Eh? What is this?

I thought you were Chell, some mystery woman who woke up in Aperture's labs.

Why are we robots now? I don't want to be a robot, I want to be Chell.
Eh? What is this?

I thought you were Chell, some mystery woman who woke up in Aperture's labs.

Why are we robots now? I don't want to be a robot, I want to be Chell.

robots are for CoOP Mode :borg: In sp story you will play with Chell.
So excited for this :D Glad to hear the single player and coop modes are both about twice as long as the original :D

Also looking forward to some L4D DLC :D
I've been having a lot of video problems recently, including this video. Strange pixelated artefacts, green flashes. What is wrong? D:
and L4D becomes Valve's bastard child.
Portal becomes Valve's current flagship product, because it's their main focus in terms of their next big release. L4D has a bit of DLC, TF2 has its ongoing updates, but Portal 2 is the Next Big Thing. After Portal 2, their flagship product will be Episode 3/HL3/whatever else they decide.
Did you just deliberately and pointlessly misquote me?
Because, you know, missing off the end of that sentence completely changes the meaning.
In other words, don't do that again.
Nice footage. Was short and sweet, and a bit humorous.
Was that a Heavy I spotted in one of the pictures of the L4D comic?
Notice that it was Erik Johnson confirming the date. I guess Doug couldn't take all the hate mail for being late
Agreed. Portal 2 is, without a doubt, the next flagship title. It's obvious how big this game is going to be. After Portal was released on the Orange Box, an experimental game which was intended to add a little filler to the box, Valve had no idea the praise for the game was going to be as big as it was.

So, Valve figured that they have a great opportunity to make Portal 2 a bigger and better game. They've shifted their focus and resources to working on Portal 2. Ep3 is put on the side for now; HL has its roots solidified into the ground, so it can wait. Plus, it gives them the excuse of having more time to make Ep3 a great game.

They aren't juggling around the development of half-life based on what would cause the biggest stir. They market based on which games will be ready next and seeing as portal 2 is going to be out next they're talking about that. Hyping one game while releasing another would be retarded.
They aren't juggling around the development of half-life based on what would cause the biggest stir. They market based on which games will be ready next and seeing as portal 2 is going to be out next they're talking about that. Hyping one game while releasing another would be retarded.

This. If there's one thing Valve have proven time and again that they're good at it's developing multiple titles concurrently.
Forward time travel is possible, backward time travel is not.

Forward time travel is THEORETICALLY possible, so is backwards time travel it's just more dangerous. The whole grandfather paradox and such.
Backwards time travel is not theoretically possible. Or atleast not with any theory nearly as strong as the one supporting forward travel.
Yeah but if you go forward to the end of the universe and then past the big bang when it happens again you can end up in the past relative to when you left.
Damn, I had intended to buy this a few months later after release. Suppose I will buy it on release so I can actually co-op with people.