Portal 2: Lab Rat Comic - Part 1 Released

Oh really? I wouldn't never thought of that. Do you even try to read my posts? I'm talking about the commercial chargers, not HEV Chargers. I swear, this place gets dumber every day.

Edit: Found this on Facepunch. It's a reply from Laidlaw:

"Did Black Mesa invent the HEV suits, and were they superior to Aperture Science?"

"I assume this question is triggered by the Portal 2 comic. They put some stuff in there as a tribute to HL but I wouldn't sweat it too much. Black Mesa had them first because we made Half-Life first. This stuff percolates through the other games. I think the TF2 heavy weapons guys shows up in an L4D comic but that doesn't necessarily mean the TF2 team is out there fighting zombies (although come to think of it, that would be cool!)."
I've been staring at page 13 for the past few minutes and I can't see the combine charger, would someone please be able to circle it or something?

Its like a bad version of "Where's Wally" without the hints on the back page...
goddamnit! why can nobody see the goddman thing-? it's right before your eyes in the bottom left corner:

Edit: would bost img. showing you where but I can't be arsed, go look for it youself.

I would say that the combine health charger is just a modern/commercial health charger
They put some stuff in there as a tribute to HL but I wouldn't sweat it too much. Black Mesa had them first because we made Half-Life first. This stuff percolates through the other games. I think the TF2 heavy weapons guys shows up in an L4D comic but that doesn't necessarily mean the TF2 team is out there fighting zombies (although come to think of it, that would be cool!)."

Excatly. Guys, calm down. Those are just cameos, there's no need to elaborate strange theories. Their presence doesn't need to be explained. We are crazy about the Half-Life universe but, come on.
what if they just added it for the lulz like laidlaw said?

EDIT: beated to it :L
Know what's lame? IGN didn't put the images in the right order.