Portal 2: Possible Cross-platorm Support


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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Portal 2 on the Playstation 3 will support Steamworks, as was revealed by Gabe Newell earlier this week. But, Erik Johnson has more to add about this announcement. Speaking with The Kartel, Erik said that cross-platform play is "something the team is gunning for." This means PS3 owners may be able to play the co-op experience with PC & Mac users. Furthermore, this also suggests that future Valve products will undoubtedly have cross-platform support.
What does this mean for the Xbox 360 players? As of right now, Steamworks will not be available on the 360 platform, so cross-platforming will not be an option for them. It's Microsoft's move and they have to decide whether or not Steamworks should be supported.
kinda cool if you have friends on specific systems that can't afford one or the other. as for me, PC version all the way
But how could we play with PS3 owners if the PS3 has
no gaems
They can watch a live stream of you playing from a TV screen in Playstation Home.
If implemented, this would be a great idea. Cross platform play was an idea started from Games for Windows Live, where GFWL players could play against XBox live players. But other than one or two titles this idea has so far been abandon, which I think was a bummer as it seemed like an interesting idea.
Looks like some controller fps'ers are about to have their worlds rocked. Mouse/controller debate can be settled with some real gaems.
Or alternatively you could just plug a mouse/keyboard into the USB ports on the thing. I never really was one for controller fps's. Console ports are fine by me as long as I can plug my keyboard into it so I can aim slightly better than terrible.
This is even worse than putting us PC gamers up with mac users.
This is the only reason I cared about steamworks being on PS3. Cross platform play is something I've wanted for awhile, and I figured this move was an effort in that direction.

And yes, the only reason I want crossplatform play is to prove that PC's mouse and keyboard is better than anyone with analog sticks in shooters. Way too many people I know think they've "gotten used to the controls" enough to contend with the mouse's aiming. They are wrong and I want to prove it.

Also I have a lot of friends which shit computers who I can't play games with because I buy PC most of the time.
He most definately is not. Just like it invented digital distribution. And cake.
You're trolling, right?

Well, I could be mistaken since I always thought Shadowrun was the first title that attempted at cross-platform play. Or, at least the first one that I am aware of. Was there another title in the past that allowed cross platform play between PC and console?

He most definately is not. Just like it invented digital distribution. And cake.

Heh, well GFWL fanboys claim that GFWL has much better download speeds than Steam.
****in' suhweet.

360 users are probably crying right now.
Wow. I wonder does this mean PS3 users will be seeing an updated version of Team Fortress 2 at any point.
This sounds fantastic, PC, Mac and PS3 owners putting their differences aside to play co-operatively!

Wow. I wonder does this mean PS3 users will be seeing an updated version of Team Fortress 2 at any point.

That would be amazing!
The 15 active players would be thrilled.

We would be, lol

There would probably be a lot more people playing if it was actually updated, because there is a lot of glitches still occuring that were fixed in the PC version ages ago.
This is a bigger surprise than portal 2 being released on ps3 lol. I would love to own my console buds on other games.
Steamcloud on PS3. So I can log onto any of my many, many PS3s and pick up where I left off. Sweet.
Console ports are fine by me as long as I can plug my keyboard into it so I can aim slightly better than terrible.
<3 aiming with my keyboard , its so much better.

I think that this is going to make things incredibly unfair for the PS3 guys. I've been playing BFBC2 on the PS3 lately and if the servers i've played on are any indication of the skill of PS3 FPS'ers then they're going to have a hard time with the PC crowd.
So Valve has gone from "PS3 is shit" to "I love PS3".
Well, if their intention was to force Microsoft to bend to Valves expansion of Steamworks in order to stay competitive, I'd say this was a pretty clever move on their part.