Portal 2 Release Date & Stephen Merchant Voicing Wheatley

Did no one ask them about cross-platform support for the co-op portion???
Did no one ask them about cross-platform support for the co-op portion???

I havn't seen any interviews from Gamescom at all. Doug Lombardi and Co. have been strangely silent.
I havn't seen any interviews from Gamescom at all. Doug Lombardi and Co. have been strangely silent.

HLPortal.de has put up a transcript with Erik Johnson. Erik says again that cross-platforming is something they would like to see and it's more than possible.
...just watched this on Slashdot. Everything in this video makes this game look screamin' good.
I guess Ricky Gervais was too expensive! Anyways, I big fan of both Ricky and Mr. Merchant so this is great news for me! Now let's hope they stick to this release date. *crosses fingers*
When do u think pre-order w/ demo level will start? December? January?