Portal 2


Jan 10, 2010
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I haven't seen a direct thread to Portal 2 yet, so I thought I'd make one.

I doubt Portal 2 is going to be a direct prequel, since GLaDOS has blown up, but as we can tell she's "Still Alive"

I've heard people thinking that GLaDOS's backup disc's are going to be used by Black Mesa, but wouldn't that relate to Black Mesa's destruction? So I think doubt that is going to happen. I'm guessing it's going back too before Chell. Probably when Aperture Science was first created... probably when GLaDOS was first created because; come on, whats Portal with out GLaDOS?

So, any plot ideas? anything you've heard about that's probably going to show up in Portal 2? Fire away.
How about this?

Chell wakes up, in the parking lot where Portal finished still holding the portal gun, then a portal appears & through it steps the surviving members of the Aperture Science team including Cave Johnson. Chell is briefed on every thing related to GLaDOS, etc etc. So all the loose ends are tied up.

That's all I've got for now.
Sounds good, but there'd have to be some kind of work before Chell can be told what the homicidle robot was all about xD

What kind of puzzle/story do you think it'll contain?
It's hard to say really. Hopefully the portals will become more developed for combat or something. Such as portaling objects to kill enemies, creating portals to make enemies shoot eachother, that kind of thing.

As for the story I just hope it'll buy really well into the Half-Life universe to provide answers to the endless list of questions Half-Life creates.
Well the first one took place at the Enrichment Center, perhaps the next one can take place at the full facility. That GLaDOS at the Enrichment Center could have just been a smaller branch of a bigger computer. Imagine a battle with a giant GLaDOS :D

Or maybe they could do a Portal/Half-Life crossover. I know the two story lines are supposed to intersect in Episode 3 but I don't know how much of the actual game will show up...
Meh. Portal: Episode 1. Heheh. Now, if Portal and Half Life 2 were to intersect, Boom. I can already image the ratings: Metacritic: 99... Amazing. They'll probably have an AWESOME storyline to go with that too. MAYBE SOME CAKE!!! And, will the companion cube come back? I miss it. I wish it could follow you. Like a pet rock. That would be better than cake. <3
If they did collide it would be Small, I doubt Gordon would meet Chell, since Chell dosn't speak either, it'd be messed up. I can imagine you having to run into the Enrichment Centre, and you walk over to GLaDOS on the floor, destroyed, just saying "C-C-CAK-CAK--CAKE--CAKE"
What its going to be if you read that the combine would GLADos on the borealis. I read this if you read it they gave hints.
It says in the developer commentary section of Portal that supposedly there were other people trapped in Aperture Science.

I know it's a prequel, but still...
Guys - remember , Chell has been in hibernation since bring your daughter to work day.If she does reappear don't expect to have a argument about quantum physics with her.