Portal Gun IRL


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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You know, I've often wondered why we haven't seen a legitimate replica of the ASHPD up until this point. Over at Flickr a user posted some images of, get this, a portal gun that her boyfriend made as part of her AS Test Subject costume.

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My boyfriend made this ASHPD for me for my upcoming Aperture Science Test Subject costume. It lights up both blue and orange along the tube and in the barrel, and the prongs light up red as long as the gun is on.

It looks like it could be an actual, functioning Portal Gun. This is definitely one of the best Half-Life saga replicas created in a long time!
That's some awesome work, if only it actually worked as well :/
Hat's of to the creator, skillz!
is it strange i never wondered why we have yet to see a replica prior to this?
WOW! they guy who made that is very talented! I wounder if it actually "cycles" when you "fire" it?
This would be awesome if they released Portal on the Wii and had this as a wiimote.
Hahah, oh christ wow, that is so flawlessly beautiful. Even if I had decided to finish mine, it wouldn't have touched this.
This had to be done by a professional, I'm assuming it's not his first time dinkering around with props.
That is the most amazing replica i have EVER seen! ****ing insane!
Dear Mr replicabuilder.

1. You are one skilled mofo.

2. My awe at your skill is clouded only by the fact that you gave a portalgun to a woman.
This was a triumph. I’m making a note here: huge success.
Because I've got you, under my skin.
I don't care for the blood spatter. It's still incredibly awesome, but I wish they hadn't put the blood on there.
Im sure Valve will ask this guy to make one for them too, they always d that.