Portal Gun?

BrenMan 94

Jan 4, 2010
Reaction score
Is it possible that there will be a Portal Gun on the Borealis? I mean, it'd be a great way to incorporate Portal into Half-Life 2, and it'd open up all kinds of new combat scenarios. What do you think?
We've had this discussion already, here is the likely answer.

Possibly, but we're leaning towards 'no'.
The matter has been discussed. I remember asking the same question, when I was new to the forums, and some nice guy insulted me to death :)
Listen dude.These kinds of threads are like trains.You can't just jump on whenever you like and start over.
I'd say it's pretty much confirmed to not be usable by the player, that would involve showing Gordon through the portal.

We all know how valve never likes to show who you're playing.
according to some, the combine have located the borealis and are trying very hard to take control or keep control over it. if this is true there must be a reason that they want control of the borealis so much, so what if the combine wants to capture a portal gun that is on the borealis? think about it, if the combine knew about a special gun that could create a form of instant transportation for combine soldiers around all of the battlefields (a.k.a. the portal gun) they would be all over it wouldnt they?
I'd say it's pretty much confirmed to not be usable by the player, that would involve showing Gordon through the portal.

How was that ever confirmed by VALVe, do you have a quote or something to prove it?
How was that ever confirmed by VALVe, do you have a quote or something to prove it?

I think he meant the player is never supposed to see Gordon through a reflection or something so that would exclude the use of portals.
The matter has been discussed. I remember asking the same question, when I was new to the forums, and some nice guy insulted me to death :)

Hey me too! But under a different name.

I still hate you KineticAesthetic.
I'd say it's pretty much confirmed to not be usable by the player, that would involve showing Gordon through the portal.

We all know how valve never likes to show who you're playing.

Especially since Gordon doesn't even have a thirdperson model. In fact there is no Gordon, just an arm.

See for yourself: sv_cheats 1 > thirdperson.
Physic puzzles would probably end up obsolete with a portal gun.
i think you doesnt have to have the Pgun all the time....It would be the same as super gravity gun...If you have it outside citadel, your gameplay experience would be practically ruined....thats why valve designed citadel.....so they can made the same with portal gun.....an environement suited for portal gun gameplay...;-)