Portal in 18 mins 5 sec

I saw this a few days ago. Extremely impressive.
Give this guy a metal. Next, The g-man will hire him. Screw Gordon, this guy could take down the combine in 5 minutes.

Edit: I mighta missed something but how did he get all the cores from GLaDOS before she dropped the first one?.
That was awesome and all in one shot too.

I mighta missed something but how did he get all the cores from GLaDOS before she dropped the first one?.
He used the turrent to shoot her, everytime she took damage from its rapid fire she dropped a core.
How does he get the turret into the room, since it's protected by an emancipation grill?
He doesn't, he makes it shoot at glados from the corridor by using himself as a bait.
must have taken a lot of practice to do that in one run...
how many of those things has any one actually tried. I tried alot of them and their hard!! like jumping on the companion cube! thats hard!
Just finished watching, that was incredible, especially the turret shoot GLaDOS thing. Awesome. I didn't know they all fell of if she got hit by a quick burst of AR2.
It's split into several parts is what he means, I think.
There are YouTube links underneath those videos. See if they work.
Saw this yesterday.

The fact that they were done in one segment makes it even more awesome.
He used the turrent to shoot her, everytime she took damage from its rapid fire she dropped a core.


I wanna try that...
You completed portal more quickly than any test subject on record. Congratulations.
Wow! Just Wow! That was pretty cool, GLadOS barely had time to finish her monlogue. :D
She didn't even have time to change to her Siren voice. :/
This was absolutely insane...I wonder if Valve realizes how many loop holes there are.
It takes a lot of skill to use the loopholes though, so there's no real point closing 'em.
It's a puzzle game, the loopholes are the point.
I doubt very much it is single segment. There's talk on SDA it was edited. Look at how the gun changes color between chamber 18 and 19. The gun should stay the same color between levels (and in fact does for every other level in the run.) Also note how he lines up his view with the seam in the door everytime, presumably so he can spice together the clips and have the view match up.
I doubt very much it is single segment. There's talk on SDA it was edited. Look at how the gun changes color between chamber 18 and 19. The gun should stay the same color between levels (and in fact does for every other level in the run.) Also note how he lines up his view with the seam in the door everytime, presumably so he can spice together the clips and have the view match up.
Even if it's true it's still impressive run :) The guy is definitely thinkin with portals. Thumbs up!
I doubt very much it is single segment. There's talk on SDA it was edited. Look at how the gun changes color between chamber 18 and 19. The gun should stay the same color between levels (and in fact does for every other level in the run.) Also note how he lines up his view with the seam in the door everytime, presumably so he can spice together the clips and have the view match up.

While the door seam theory seems reasonable, I've had my gun change "color" during loading times as well.
While the door seam theory seems reasonable, I've had my gun change "color" during loading times as well.

If that's true, you should replicate it and tell SDA. The run was rejected because of that.