Portal in under 10 minutes


Space Core
Jun 5, 2007
Reaction score
NOTICE: After watching the speedrun, before you say, "OMFG WTF HAX CHEATS!", please watch the commentary videos for this speedrun located here: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list...

This is it... Portal Done Pro. I, DemonStrate, beat Portal for the PC in under 10 minutes. From when I get out of bed, to the time I drop the final personality core into the furnace, the time is 9:25.567. It is the current world record for Portal completion time.

Much of the speedrun is sitting in the elevator. I have not calculated yet how much time I waste waiting for the elevators, but I'm sure it is probably a majority of the time.

I segmented the speedrun per map. This means when the game says, "Loading...", it is loading a new map, and I save the game and load from there. The only exceptions are Chambers 02 and 13.

This speedrun uses a majority of the glitches in the game. Unfortunately, it does not use the acute angle glitch, which might be the most useful glitch in the game, if used correctly. All other glitches are explained in my series of commentary videos here:

This video is not for the weak of heart. It is very fast and very confusing for someone who doesn't understand the glitches used. I would highly recommend watching the videos above.

I don't believe anyone else in there right mind would try to do what I have done in this video. I completed the first segment on September 13, 2008, 06:12 AM and the last segment on July 03, 2010, 08:32 PM. Almost 2 years of working on this.

Torrents of different quality versions are avaiable here:
Insane Quality: 1920x1200, 60 fps, 32250 kbps Xvid, 320 kbps MP3 = 3606 MB

High Quality: 1440x900, 60 fps, 7250 kbps Xvid, 256 kbps MP3 = 835 MB

Medium Quality: 1280x800, 60 fps, 3000 kbps Xvid, 192 kbps MP3 = 363 MB

Low Quality: 768x480, 60 fps, 750 kbps Xvid, 128 kbps MP3 = 96 MB

For any questions, please send me a message on my YouTube account:

Thanks to everyone that has helped me out along the way. Special thanks to SourceRuns.org for always supporting Source engine speedruns. Additional thanks to all my subscribers on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/Transgenic8­6).
I will be posting text comments on SpeedDemosArchive.com if the run becomes accepted.

yeah I can't watch this it makes me feel like a noob when playing it
Great i need something like this xD. GJ :P
Holy crap. Blew my mind how much of the later portion of the game he skipped.
I would respect this if he had played the whole levels through really quick.

This is just pathetic. Why didn't he just no clip from the start to finish? Because that's all he's achieved.

2 years down the drain my friend. Think of all the great games you have missed.