Portal levels are repetitive.


Feb 12, 2007
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I love portal and it's gameplay. I also think (from what i've seen in the trailers) that the game has very well done levels and puzzles. I can't wait untill it's released, but another side of me naggs me about the levels. I know it's supposed to be a test lab, but I can see it getting old. The white walls, square pattern and glossy white turrets. What would intrest me is if he mabye escapes, and you have to use the portal gun in real suituations, like a city or forest. Any thoughts?
This ones all about the gameplay. Aside from anything else, it will be disorientating enough without lots of random textures and objects, so I imagine the monotany of the lab will be a benefit.
The game is only around five hours long anywho.

That's nowhere near enough time to get bored with a crazy new weapon.
There're a couple of hints to the effect of your escaping somehow, mainly ominous intercom-speak, but I don't think the puzzles will get monotonous anyway. Also, from what we've seen, there are only 19 levels, which doesn't allow for much time for boredom. :p
In a preview or two, it has been said that if you launch a portal through a small gap in the metal panels surrounding the rooms, then you see a sort of construction area, with coffee mugs on wooden stalls, and tools left around.
This was a tech demo of sorts brought on partway through the development of Episode 2 when Valve got their hands on the tech, and made to fit the storyline, correct? I hope to see it implemented in the course of the continuing eposides, but for the purposes of seeing how the public handles it and for including it as an afterthought (?), I think this is fine.
In a preview or two, it has been said that if you launch a portal through a small gap in the metal panels surrounding the rooms, then you see a sort of construction area, with coffee mugs on wooden stalls, and tools left around.

Really? I have not seen that preview. Source?:frown:
Judge a game once you have it in your hands mate.
Repetitive? You think a puzzle game can get repetitive? It really depends on how good the puzzles are, mate. The art has nothing to do with it.
I'm not one who gets bored easily (I STILL play Star Craft), so that shouldn't be a problem. That thing with the forests and cities is kind of lame (in my opinion) Beacause you'll try to get to places you're not supposed to, and then you can't so it might get boring. What I'd like to see is if you accidentally kill a guy or some other story bit, and there would be people coming after you... that sounds a lot like Half-Life doesn't it? But it would be nice to see the portal gun used in EP3 or something!
Repetitive? You think a puzzle game can get repetitive? It really depends on how good the puzzles are, mate. The art has nothing to do with it.
I was thinking along those lines too... look at sudoku or crosswords, for example. Art? Nil. Repetitiveness? Zero.
Plus, the game has a plot too. I really don't like the core gameplay of HL2 that much (compared to say, Command & Conquer or other strategy games), but the plot and detail make me come back to it over and over again.
I should refraise. I think that the levels will look too simmilar. Like a damn rubber room in an asylum. Tetris worlds is a good example of what i'm talking about. They have a basic puzzle game, but to keep it fresh, they change backgrounds and sounds. It keeps from being monotous. I'm not bad mouthing the game, but I hope they change (at least) the COLOUR of the walls once in awile. The fire bits that i've seen in the teaser seem like a good start.

And I admit, the forest idea was kinda stupid, but i'd really enjoy a cityscape, running away from combine.
I should refraise. I think that the levels will look too simmilar. Like a damn rubber room in an asylum. Tetris worlds is a good example of what i'm talking about. They have a basic puzzle game, but to keep it fresh, they change backgrounds and sounds. It keeps from being monotous. I'm not bad mouthing the game, but I hope they change (at least) the COLOUR of the walls once in awile. The fire bits that i've seen in the teaser seem like a good start.

And I admit, the forest idea was kinda stupid, but i'd really enjoy a cityscape, running away from combine.

You've just seen a few levels, for the love of mother!
I should refraise. I think that the levels will look too simmilar. Like a damn rubber room in an asylum. Tetris worlds is a good example of what i'm talking about. They have a basic puzzle game, but to keep it fresh, they change backgrounds and sounds. It keeps from being monotous. I'm not bad mouthing the game, but I hope they change (at least) the COLOUR of the walls once in awile. The fire bits that i've seen in the teaser seem like a good start.
You have seen next to nothing of the game. Judge the game when you're playing it.
Not to mention your silly Tetris example. I can't believe you play Tetris for the backgrounds and music. You probably would only play chess if the pieces were made of crystal which changes colour as you move them.
Changing the colour of the lab will be a fatal decision. White lab is always as cool as it has been. White = pro and cool. I don't want any colourful shitty sissy little bitch.
I like the look of the porthole levels/rooms/maps. Nice and clean, just like a test lab. I'll be playing for the great puzzles and gameplay.

Plus I'm sure the community will make a load of custom maps and puzzles for you to download to keep the game fresh.
looks like an awsome game. and you know wat i was thinking? wat about a multi-player aspect? wouldn't it be cool to have a portal battle against friends? i'd find that to be insanly fun!
looks like an awsome game. and you know wat i was thinking? wat about a multi-player aspect? wouldn't it be cool to have a portal battle against friends? i'd find that to be insanly fun!
Kim Swift - the game's designer - has said that they've considered multiplayer and are going to wait to see how people react to the SP game.
Changing the colour of the lab will be a fatal decision. White lab is always as cool as it has been. White = pro and cool. I don't want any colourful shitty sissy little bitch.

OMFG! You guys have NO understanding! I think what he means is maybe make DIFFERENT walls, with wires and computers or something to make it less repetitive... He doesn't mean pik and purple you idiot, he means like even the slightest tint!

And that Tetris example was perfect. I know Tatsuto personally as a friend, I think tetris is just something he came across and noticed. I see what he's saying, just add some variety.

Also, Judging a game, or atleast looking at it and saying, hey that game looks good ore looks like crap is the only way to decide whether or not to buy it. You have to think, and calculate, decide WHY you <don't> want it!
Sez you! :O

Though shalt not judge until it's out! OUT I SAY!
Egad, Oph'! Thou art wrong. For I sincerely agree with Jintor Esq., shall I utter that, Oph', thy assertion on the textures hath been over-abitrary. Far be it from me to judge on aesthetics, the plain textures ain't in soothfast poorness. Be that as it may, I must quoth that the game doeth no graphical exhibition, dissimilar to Episode Two. Methinks it focus'th upon complex level design wherefore textures are but irrelevant.

Zounds! Variety may unbe the game.
Personally, with the way the gameplay is going, I don't think you will be thinking too much of the level design. I'm sure you're mind will be stuck on, "OMFG HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO GET THAT BALL TO BOUNCE OVER TO HERE AND STOP TEH TURRET AND DROP THE BOX HERE SO I CAN LAND ON A LEDGE AND SOMEHOW DO IT AGAIN TO ANOTHER PLATFORM!?!?!?!"
You know, he's right. Several games could be made MUCH better with pretty textures. Let's make it so that Space Invaders have awesome glittery HDR lighting when you blow them up! Or maybe we could be fighting the invaders... over A PLANET! We could see the clouds and everything! That would make the game much less repetitive! I AM A GEEEENIUS!
I should refraise. I think that the levels will look too simmilar. Like a damn rubber room in an asylum. Tetris worlds is a good example of what i'm talking about. They have a basic puzzle game, but to keep it fresh, they change backgrounds and sounds. It keeps from being monotous. I'm not bad mouthing the game, but I hope they change (at least) the COLOUR of the walls once in awile. The fire bits that i've seen in the teaser seem like a good start.

The man has a point
I should refraise. I think that the levels will look too simmilar. Like a damn rubber room in an asylum. Tetris worlds is a good example of what i'm talking about. They have a basic puzzle game, but to keep it fresh, they change backgrounds and sounds. It keeps from being monotous. I'm not bad mouthing the game, but I hope they change (at least) the COLOUR of the walls once in awile. The fire bits that i've seen in the teaser seem like a good start.

You have your point, whilst I think the colour is not the most important. The change in style is more important. Say, there are levels. Several missions comprise a level. Every time players pass into a new level, i.e. players finished a certain number of missions and passed through several doors, they can get into a new level with a new style. New styles can be refreshing and keep players from bored. It can also let them be aware of the number of missions they finished. Players will have a better sense of achievement. How about this?
Exactly what I mean. And Narvi's jealous because he's colour-blind. Style is very important, in my opnion. The least they could do is change the colour, but that's not what i'm really getting at. Half-life 2 kept me interesting because of all the different levels. Highway 17, Follow freeman, they all have memorable experiences. I don't mean change gameplay or anything, AND I'M NOT SAYING THAT THERE WILL BE NO DIFFERENCES IN LEVELS BECAUSE I DONT HAVE THE GAME, but with all the trailers and screens, I don't think their about to change levels anytime soon.

And I was joking about Narvi.
Little off topic, but yes you are correct, and morally just. I loved the strider war in follow freeman though! And, As I said, they don't need to change the absolute colour, or add some acid tripping effects like evolutions in Far Cry. but from what I've seen so far, there is some colour. For example, in one of the trailers, there's that platform that seems to move along an orange strip, as well, there is sometimes the same strip which trains along the walls and ceilings. The big red buttons also add some colour, but that purple dot on the portal gun (As seen in earlier trailers) was a little too much.
The levels should have a little bit more than color, what about destructable walls? like, you could nock off wall pannels and see the wires and other components underneath. I'd think that would be cool:)
And I'm not talking about completly random textures also. Clean, but with details and variety.
I like tatsuto's point, but Chak, you have to understand, with destructable walls I could walk through all the way through the game. I thought of that when they said Half-life 1 was a really interactive game. I like my solid walls!
I beleive what Chak ment was that there might be secret or hidden areas where you could get bonus stuff (and no i don't know what could be there)
I like tatsuto's point, but Chak, you have to understand, with destructable walls I could walk through all the way through the game. I thought of that when they said Half-life 1 was a really interactive game. I like my solid walls!

oh nonono, not like that, what i ment by that was that you could nock the wall pannels off, like damaging your sorroundings. not complettely destroying the wall itself
Knock panels off with what? As far as we know the only tool at your disposal is the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (It must be wrong that I get so happy just from typing that)
Exactly what I mean. And Narvi's jealous because he's colour-blind. Style is very important, in my opnion. The least they could do is change the colour, but that's not what i'm really getting at. Half-life 2 kept me interesting because of all the different levels. Highway 17, Follow freeman, they all have memorable experiences. I don't mean change gameplay or anything, AND I'M NOT SAYING THAT THERE WILL BE NO DIFFERENCES IN LEVELS BECAUSE I DONT HAVE THE GAME, but with all the trailers and screens, I don't think their about to change levels anytime soon.

And I was joking about Narvi.

Eh, I was being a little snarky. :p

I disagree with your Half Life 2 example, however. The levels you speak of have remarkably different gameplay from the rest of the game. In a puzzle game, aesthetics really don't matter unless they have gameplay functionality.
Portal may be a puzzle game, but todays gamers are not only looking for gamplay but now are wanting graphics and realism. Games back then may of had no nead for that, but not ever since the gaming industry jumped into the future