Portal on the iPhone?


Jul 6, 2003
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[br]Some guy from the internet has built an iPhone version of Valve's Portal using Unity. Now we don't know if this is real or not, though it does have all the symptoms of an iPhone game (clunky controls, low fps etc..).[br]

Why don't you check the video here, and tell us what you think?
meh, it's a teleportation - not a real portal
Unity engine + Portal models/textures + teleportation = yawn

There's no way you could play Portal with that godawful control scheme either, it's way too slow and clunky.
While it's impressive that someone did that, it looks absolutely horrible.
"Portal on the iPhone?"

No, didn't look like real Portal to me.

"Doesn't iPhone rock?"

Portal 2D would be more practical. just a simple top down or perspective view would be fine by me
i hate how people are saying "nothing special". it probably wouldn't be much fun to play (and it very much could be), but it definitely looks awesome and impressive.
i hate how people are saying "nothing special". it probably wouldn't be much fun to play (and it very much could be), but it definitely looks awesome and impressive.

It looks neither awesome nor impressive.

Unity is a pre-made engine that can, as part of its repertoire, spit out iphone apps. So, someone with a Unity licence gets the Portal models and textures, makes a very basic map, puts in some teleports to act as pseudo-portals and creates their iphone app with it. So it required neither impressive skill nor a great amount of time to make.
Ha sanyone tried the Assassin's Creed game, I had the demo and it was pretty hard to control and it felt really stiff.