Portal: Prelude Released

The Chemical Brothers - Believe.
A song they didn't have a license for I bet

Yeah they used a few other songs like "Rock you like a hurricane" and such.

Also, I couldn't agree more with Hunter-Killer on the childish dialogue. Hearing F*CK and all that really turned me off of the game, it really didn't fit =/

This game, if some major tweaking were done, could actually turn out pretty great.
It's Portal time, once again!
Yeah, it was ironic, I was listening to this Chemical Brothers CD for the first time this morning and I heard that song.
Yeah they used a few other songs like "Rock you like a hurricane" and such.

That was pretty odd.. I thought that they were suggesting an 80's/90's vibe at first (since Aperture dates back pretty far) but I guess they were not... heh.

They said it took place in 2001.... didn't the Black Mesa incident take place somewhere between 1998-2001?
I would have preferred something like Burst Generator (Also Chem Bros) played instead. More machine type music.
Finally beat chamber 19. Worth playing, but I'll not be going back to it anytime. The last half was full of Good Puzzles, but far, far too frustrating.
Place one portal on the upper level, one on the lower. Loop through once or twice, use the height you've gained to place one portal on the side beyond the glass, time your jump through the electricity field and run to the exit.
This is one of the puzzles you see partially solved in the preview movie. They just do it VERY quickly :P
So has anyone else who has gotten to the end experienced that "unplayable slowdown" just before
GLaDOS kills all the employees and such?
It's really annoying as I can't finish the game.
I'm stuck. I've just done the last level, got to the elevator, but the elevator hasn't activated. It just sits there closed. Is it possible I cheated the level and it hasn't tripped the dialogue or something?
I'm stuck. I've just done the last level, got to the elevator, but the elevator hasn't activated. It just sits there closed. Is it possible I cheated the level and it hasn't tripped the dialogue or something?

I had that problem when I noclipped to there, I went into and out of it a few times and just moved around a bit and it eventually went, if all fails, just noclip up.
I didn't noclip in the level bit in the end I noclipped into the elevator and it activated.

Wasn't that impressed with the game anyway apart from a couple of the levels and the cutscenes near the end.
The puzzles aren't really that hard im on 9 they are just annoying. I know what to do but moving my mouse to point in the right spots is just bugged. Sometimes it moves sometimes it doesn't. So i have to keep going and going and going again and again and again. I watched a video of someone do the puzzle and trust me my mouse doesnt work the same way...
Ok beat it. Brilliant mod. I liked the challenge of it just because Portal/valve games in general try way to hard to be idiot proof and are thus way to easy. Two things that I wish they did before release were 1. Find English voice actors. Hell find anyone who speaks english the monotone voices made my ears bleed. 2. Make it a little more clear you needed to bring the cube to chamber 19, or at least let the player backtrack. I did however manage to get one energy ball in without it which was a pretty amazing feat. Also hiding the door under the stairs was a low blow :P
You can backtrack to chamber 18 by going through the passage under the stairs.
I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed this mod of Portal. It was certainly one of the best and most satisfying mods I have ever played, coming into the same category of Minerva, while feeling a lot more finished than Minerva was. I'd have said it rates even more highly than any of the gearbox titles.
Making you use portal physics bugs to make a jump is a big no-no in my book. Most of the puzzles are more about split-second timing and twitch reflexes then thinking, like that ridiculous bit with the turrets, what the hell?

Anyway I just noclipped after chamber 9, I didn't miss much.

The bit
with GLados turning on
is kinda nice though.
I just started playing this evening and only made it up to chamber 5. The thing with the switch is doing my nut in. So ive given up before I throw my computer through the window.
I beat it without using cheat. There is nothing as unbeatable. But the bonus chambers still fail to unlock.
Making you use portal physics bugs to make a jump is a big no-no in my book. Most of the puzzles are more about split-second timing and twitch reflexes then thinking, like that ridiculous bit with the turrets, what the hell?

Anyway I just noclipped after chamber 9, I didn't miss much.

You're not thinking with Portals.

If you noclipped, you're a shame to this community.

I fluked some of the chambers the first time I played them through, but the second time I managed to go through it all relying on mostly 'skill'.

The bit with *********** is kinda nice though.

Are you stupid? Please put it in a spoiler tag for the sake of everyone else.
Well, at least it was free, so the only thing lost was my time between playing and uninstalling.

I will admit that trailer's pretty convincing, makes it look pretty good. Let's hope the same doesn't turn out true for Black Mesa mod, but I have a feeling that won't be a letdown.
Just beat it, pretty well made.
Yeah the ending is pretty confusing, I got it up until why the person who saves you isn't ****ed (perhaps something to do with the thing on their face?). And why you're shown outside, collapse, see G-man, recollapse...? Yeah the only part I cheated was this one part of chamber 18 where you need to jump PERFECTLY to get to the number 1 vaporizing switch, fock that, noclip :P
Also does anyone else have all the bonus maps locked even after beating the game? And does the commentary come in English?
There's no "perfect" jump requires. Try going through Chamber 19 ;)

Commentary is subtitled in English