Portal: Prelude


Jul 6, 2003
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When I saw the title Portal: Prelude, I thought this going to be another mappack for Portal...but it isn't, as its name states it, it's an unofficial prequel to the game Portal. It's not just a mappack, it's a whole new story.

Portal: Prelude, the upcoming unofficial prequel to the game Portal. Its story revolves around the pre-GlaDOS epoch, even before she was plugged in. At this time, test subjects were monitored by real Aperture Science employees, whose work was tedious, lengthy and repetitive. This is why they decided to build a great artificial intelligence that could both replace them in these difficult tasks, and also take responsibility for many other tasks within the complex and compete with Black Mesa's superiority.[br]

All employees of the Aperture Science complex are now eagerly awaiting GlaDOS. Maybe even a little too eagerly, as the upcoming events will tell...

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This game is totally free and set to be released somewhere around the end of September. It offers a bit more gameplay hours than the original Portal, with 8 chapters, 48 challenges, 6 advanced maps, a brand new storyline and more than 400 lines of speech with english and french subtitles.[br]

Watch the game trailer here (highly recommended). And click here for more info.
This looks like a superbly done piece of work, and the release is right around the corner. Can't wait to play.
Looks good! I thought for a minute it would be official, though :(
End of September, holy shit. I'm really looking forward to this!

[edit] Oh, it's done by a mod team of sorts. I thought it was official ie done by Valve. Hm.
What an unexpected surprise, cant wait to try this.
Very impressive trailer, and some of the puzzles look intriguing.

Can't wait!
Wow, that looks hardcore, and the music was perfect!
Looks very nice! We'll have to wait to play to know for sure though.

Want a carrot cake or a cheese one?

Anyway looks great!

But it's still a mappack. What you said is rather misleading.
I'd suggest making the post a little clearer on the fact that this is a mod. It almost sounds as if you're saying it's Valve.
Doesn't looks any special.
looks really good, looking forward to it

by the way, what is the tune in the trailer?
Linkin Park's some gay song.
End of September, holy shit. I'm really looking forward to this!

It actually says end of September or early October. Just don't want to see ya'll upset if its release slips to next month.
I played the Portal Flash Mappack again, and it makes me crave more Portal. I can't wait till this is released!
I thought it was from Valve to begin with, which would've been cool, but as a mod it does look very impressive.
it's the linkin park song from Matrix Reloaded, can't remember the name though.

New valve recruits, Adam Foster style dooyoothink?
Hm, the puzzles were only a part of what made Portal what it is. Without good writing and voice acting this will be another mappack. Shame they didn't show any of that in the trailer.

Wow, that looks hardcore, and the music was perfect!

I like the music but cringe slightly everytime I hear the Matrix OST used again in a production like this.

Linkin Park's some gay song.

I understand when people say they don't like LP cause of dumb lyrics, too much unneccessary screaming etc., but this is an instrumental for ****s sake, how is it gay? I don't listen to LP BTW.
'Flooded the Enrichment Centre with a deadly neuro-toxin...'

I think we all know what is coming D:
Hm, the puzzles were only a part of what made Portal what it is. Without good writing and voice acting this will be another mappack. Shame they didn't show any of that in the trailer.

I like the music but cringe slightly everytime I hear the Matrix OST used again in a production like this.

I understand when people say they don't like LP cause of dumb lyrics, too much unneccessary screaming etc., but this is an instrumental for ****s sake, how is it gay? I don't listen to LP BTW.

test is a troll
Yea I thought it was made by Valve too. Still really hyped up including watching that trailer. Trailer was so good that I thought it was made by Valve and that's saying something.
I was worried I wouldn't be able to tackle the puzzles in Portal, but I managed too! Let's hope it would be the same for this.

1) When/why/how did you get that custom title?

2) If you had any trouble beating Portal (not counting challenge chambers) you clearly need help
"This is not... the greatest game in the wo-orld, no... this is just a prelude. Couldn't pay for the greatest game in the world, nooo; naw! This is a prelu-uude; oohhhh..."
1) When/why/how did you get that custom title?

2) If you had any trouble beating Portal (not counting challenge chambers) you clearly need help

1) Yesterday/signature/Pi Mu Rho

2) I didn't have any trouble beating it. I said I was worried I was gonna struggle to beat it, but was wrong.
o0o this looks good, and to the people who say its just a "map-pack" then you need to get your facts straight. this is a MOD! the majority of the content will be valves in this, but its a whole different game.

yes the name of the song in the trailer is: Session by Linkin Park

great song to play loud :D
This will probably be pretty damn entertaining. No way near as good as Portal (obviously) but no doubt just as good as the Flash Map Pack.