Portals on glass contradiction!



The portal gun cannot cast a portal on any surface made from glass. Yet during the opening sequence of the game, with the player inside the prison-cell thing, GlaDOS announces 'portal opening in 3..2..1' and then one is right there but the walls of the cell are clearly made from glass!

I realise I'm being a bit pedantic, but that's just how I am.
If I remember correctly, and I have no reason to doubt myself, there is a small portion of a wall on the place where portal appears.
There's a portion of the wall not glass. You can see it. You can also see it in the live feed on the aperture science page.

Not that pedantic.
Mind you, I'm not sure how all these portals manifest without a Aperture Science Hand-Held Portal device, but still.
Mind you, I'm not sure how all these portals manifest without a Aperture Science Hand-Held Portal device, but still.

That's what I was thinking the other day. But I figured it was "implanted" into the wall, so to speak, as they do appear at pretty definite locations. Not sure. Ask Valve
well you can have them on glass:
go into console and type:

sv_cheats 1

sv_portal_placement_never_fail 1
I think those two bar like things that the perma-portals appear between are the emmiters.

And yeah, there's a section of wall there.
Let me solve this mystery once (actually, people have already solved it but anyway) and for all:

(Hint: It's not actually glass)
yeah theres a section of wall on the side of the prison. Also scribble is right the portals that seem to just "appear" from the wall come from the bars on the side. In SDK you can make portals that just appear like that and put the bars in so the portal looks like it comes from something instead of just being random.
Let me solve this mystery once (actually, people have already solved it but anyway) and for all. *picture*

Oh no! The portal isn't perfectly centered! How could they do such thing to me!