ported over sounds...


May 27, 2003
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Gabe N. said that they are porting over some of the sounds from HL1 to HL2.... for example the TAU gun noise is now the gun on the dune buggy too...

my question is: are they porting over the Heart Monitor noise from the HEV suit.. like in HLDM when someone dies, the hear monitor noise goes off... i think it's one of the noises giving HLDM the feel it has..

and the most important HLDM noise and defining HL noise is the Item Respawning Noise in half-life deathmatch.... I really hope they port that over, what do you guys think?
i kinda hope they keep some of the footstep sounds from hl. the gravel sound is nice
poseyjmac said:
i kinda hope they keep some of the footstep sounds from hl. the gravel sound is nice

I hope too, but I want new sounds too, along with some of the old ones ^_^
I hope MP will have the text-to-speech capabilities like UT2k4...
Six Three said:
I hope MP will have the text-to-speech capabilities like UT2k4...

oh god, Please no! hahaha, well it would be cool, but then we would have to endure "my penis just melted!" and other comments like that on the mic..lol :<>
dassbaba said:
Gabe N. said that they are porting over some of the sounds from HL1 to HL2.... for example the TAU gun noise is now the gun on the dune buggy too...

my question is: are they porting over the Heart Monitor noise from the HEV suit.. like in HLDM when someone dies, the hear monitor noise goes off... i think it's one of the noises giving HLDM the feel it has..

and the most important HLDM noise and defining HL noise is the Item Respawning Noise in half-life deathmatch.... I really hope they port that over, what do you guys think?

Listen carefully to the Combine soliders when they die, you'll hear the monitor noise.
The 'error' sound is back (when you press the usekey in an invalid place) and the crossbow sound is supposed to be back too.
Abom said:
Listen carefully to the Combine soliders when they die, you'll hear the monitor noise.

really? thank cthulu! Abom you are a blessing :):)
dassbaba said:
really? thank cthulu! Abom you are a blessing :):)

Heh, I heard it the first time on the barricade video. For anyone saying they may have removed it since then, you can also hear it faintly in the airboat section of this years e3 presentation video - just before Gordon drives under the bridge he shoots a Combine, and voila, the noise is there. Must also mean they're using a form of HEV armour, perhaps the vest that Adrian Shepherd used in OpFor.
i think i heard the crunchy noise sound when gordan hits a zombie, and a head crab, well any creauter pretty much, in hl2
its pretty lazy to use the same sounds of a game that is SEVEN YEARS OLD!! this is 2004 valv3 get with the program!

why doesnt gabe just hire a sound guy i mean they are dropping 70 million dollars on the gam3 why not make new better sounds?? this is sad. seems they r trying 2 cut costs by using old stuff. even the green blood from the zomb1es is the same from halflife. look in the videos when he hits them with the cr0wbar same little green jizz squirts out ghey. MAKE NEW STUFF VALV3!!
It would be nice to hear alot of new sounds in HL2. :) But it doesn't matter that much. :) Though I do like the same radio commands from CS. :thumbs: They are awesome. I do know that they did keep most of them and have new ones from the E3 video.
Abom said:
Heh, I heard it the first time on the barricade video. For anyone saying they may have removed it since then, you can also hear it faintly in the airboat section of this years e3 presentation video - just before Gordon drives under the bridge he shoots a Combine, and voila, the noise is there.

i'm pretty sure those ported sound were just fillers...
I remember in the E3 2k4 video, in one of the strider battles, whenever Gordon picks up a medpack, I hear the same sound. Off to confirm this right now...

Edit: Aye, at 21:49, you hear it. It's right before he runs into the hole.
keeping some sounds adds consistancy to the games, if all of a sudden the sound for something between both games got significantly altered for no reason it would imply that something in that object changed when nothing did. Anyway keeping some of the sounds adds some nostalgia factor
I think some sounds should be the same for consistancy's sake. I'm already irked that Eli's voice is totally different.
=1nfiltrat0r= said:
its pretty lazy to use the same sounds of a game that is SEVEN YEARS OLD!! this is 2004 valv3 get with the program!

why doesnt gabe just hire a sound guy i mean they are dropping 70 million dollars on the gam3 why not make new better sounds?? this is sad. seems they r trying 2 cut costs by using old stuff. even the green blood from the zomb1es is the same from halflife. look in the videos when he hits them with the cr0wbar same little green jizz squirts out ghey. MAKE NEW STUFF VALV3!!

A. You've got serious personal problems.

B. If they got a sound right the first time, why bother re-doing it?

C. There are many other sounds that are new. Just watch the vids.

D. The green/yellow zombie blood splat is gone in the latest vids. It's been replaced by a niftyer looking spray.

E. Please do not breed.
why dont they make new sounds i mean its a new game. you can make better sounds and still be consistant. its abvious they are just trying to save money by not hriing a sound guy to do new sounds.

when u buy a g4m3 u r buying game content. most of u own halflife so valv3 is actually m4king u pay double for the same s0unds. face it thats what is happening u r getting scr3wd. there r about 1500 sounds in halflife two and about 750 are the same sound sin halflife so u r not getting a new game u r getting the old s0unds with sum new stuff added to it.
..infiltrator, they have a "sound guy." Please, my eyes are bleeding after reading all your posts..
Infiltrator could you please go join the U.S military and go drive an unshielded humvee down a road bomb infested highway in Iraq.

That would be awesome fun.
=1nfiltrat0r= said:
why dont they make new sounds i mean its a new game. you can make better sounds and still be consistant. its abvious they are just trying to save money by not hriing a sound guy to do new sounds.

when u buy a g4m3 u r buying game content. most of u own halflife so valv3 is actually m4king u pay double for the same s0unds. face it thats what is happening u r getting scr3wd. there r about 1500 sounds in halflife two and about 750 are the same sound sin halflife so u r not getting a new game u r getting the old s0unds with sum new stuff added to it.

Dude are you serious.... :angel:

dassbaba said:
and the most important HLDM noise and defining HL noise is the Item Respawning Noise in half-life deathmatch.... I really hope they port that over, what do you guys think?

i love that noise u are talking about.
it is so uniquely HL that i'd be disappointed if it were not part of HL2.. but i did notice it in one of the videos.. so it seems like the noise will be there!! (yay!) :p :smoking:
well at least the hazard suit should sound the same, as it is supposed to be the same one, right?
I thought it would be easy for most people to grasp that Valve is serious about keeping a consistent world with the original. Why would the HEV suit make a different sound than before? They bring back the old enemies and weapons for the same reason. This is a sequel and HL was a world that Valve and many others are very interested in.
But there is no point discussing anything with infiltrator because he's obviously not here to discuss anything.... he's got his own thing he's doing...
Kelly Bailey is the Senior Game Designer of Sound and Music with Valve. He did all of the music and sound effects for Half-Life and wrote sound code to create character speech and DSP reverb effects. IMO, he’s one of the best in the business in terms of single-handedly producing the music and sound in a game – for a comparison look at the amount of people in EA’s sound team, and compare the results.

The sounds in the videos are most probably place-holders, most sound designers only come on board around alpha period, until that point the majority of work would be sourcing sounds, modifying the sound engine and testing ideas in conjunction with the sound engine. There are clearly going to be sounds from the original game, though even these sounds are going to be totally different – sound samples were compressed severely on HL1 (hence, the distorted tone and sound artefacts) as well as being at 22kHz, now HL2’s can produce 44kHz Dolby Surround Sound 5.1 – clearly a bit of an upgrade. ;)

Most of the audio work seems to be surrounding the sound-scapes, sadly not much info has been given away, but it will definitely produce a more immersive feel, as the usage of the sound-scapes can influence the sound design just as much as the music.
I hope MP will have the text-to-speech capabilities like UT2k4...
"I can sois hear sois the connection sois breaking sois up! sois"

Anyway old sounds are awesome. I think my favorite sound from the old game has to be the sound that the first aid...health pack wall...thing made when you were using it.
Damnit spinkitten, you beat me to it, though well said.
I would however add that aprt from infiltrators anoying use of l33t speak, most of his figure were wrong anyway.