Portrait of a girl......


May 31, 2004
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This is a portrait of a girl i really like at school but i know i'll never get close to her.

I drew it on some printer paper and stuck it my scanner.
Colored in Paint Shop Pro.


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Well, if you ever get close to her, it'd be a nice gift!

And don't tell yourself that. Confidence is what you need most, and saying "no" to yourself can't help!
Its not that simple.
I don't understand why i still like her. She has so much that is not in common with me and the fact that she already has a boyfriend(friend told me). Everytime i catch a glimpse of her, something triggers in my mind and i feel a something deep inside that i can't explain.
Sometimes you may not have something in common with that "other" person, but if you love that person enough you will look over them and look at the things you do have in common.

Also she may have a bf that doesn't mean she won't break up with him at some time.Once they do you need to jump on the situation instantly and try to show her your worth.

Also nice drawing...her eyes that big in real life? lol
Not really, but i still like eyes that way. It gives a more emotive feeling. et thanks for the advice.
Delirious said:
Its not that simple.
I don't understand why i still like her. She has so much that is not in common with me and the fact that she already has a boyfriend(friend told me). Everytime i catch a glimpse of her, something triggers in my mind and i feel a something deep inside that i can't explain.

Ah shit dude. I feel real sorry for you. That's happened to me. In fact, that portrait you drew looks like her to an extent. But get to know her as well as you can, and if she breaks up with her boyfriend, ask her out. If you think that there's not chance at all, I would suggest avoiding her. I've been through this before, and I never asked her out. Now she's stuck in a mental hospital, and I'm stuck unable to speak to her.

It's a great picture even though the eyes scare me. :cheers: But I suppose that's a matter of opinion. I like the use of colour on the cheeks.
Delirious said:
Its not that simple.
I don't understand why i still like her. She has so much that is not in common with me and the fact that she already has a boyfriend(friend told me). Everytime i catch a glimpse of her, something triggers in my mind and i feel a something deep inside that i can't explain.

Awww, buddy, that rollercoaster feeling in your stomach huh ;(

It's awesome and depressing at the same time

Pic is great btw :)
why does that piccy remind me of The Ring? :O
jondyfun said:
Awww, buddy, that rollercoaster feeling in your stomach huh ;(

It's awesome and depressing at the same time

Pic is great btw :)

It's only awesome for a while, then it's just depressing.
I know a girl who looks exactly like that. Do you live in Dublin by any chance?

Very nice pic by the way.
Delirious said:
Everytime i catch a glimpse of her, something triggers in my mind and i feel a something deep inside that i can't explain.

I can explain it. Hormones and horniness. :P

Nice drawing though.
I think we all went/are going through that. Don't stress about it, it's super normal for teens.
I like the drawing, but I like the coloring more than the atualy pencil. Proportions are a bit off, but otherwise great job.

I have a much different feeling with her then other girls. With other girls, I would think: Woah, she's hot, i want to bone her. But with her, i feel something other then lust. Im getting too tired. Need sleep.....
Delirious said:
I have a much different feeling with her then other girls. With other girls, I would think: Woah, she's hot, i want to bone her. But with her, i feel something other then lust. Im getting too tired. Need sleep.....

you might think this is weird, but it's exactly the same way i feel for this other girl. you just look into her eyes, and a deep feeling of immersiveness drowns you... yeah i'm kinda sleepy. maybe i'll dream tonight...?
I had a dream last night about falling in love with a psychopathic murdering witch with special powers. She sent me walking down a disused section of the Underground where the rats had never seen humans before and weren't afraid of me.

Thank you for your time.
Nice drawing btw.
obviously you have what you americans call a 'crush'.ie you think about her alot,being with her,talk to her etc whereas with someone like jessica simpson(or whoever you )like you just want to shag em
What I'm confused is why we are talking about love and girls philosophically when this is just a schoolboy crush, and we've all had those. Just do your best to either ignore it, or let yourself go along with it, because you'll forget about it in a few years anyways.

TheSomeone said:
What I'm confused is why we are talking about love and girls philosophically when this is just a schoolboy crush, and we've all had those. Just do your best to either ignore it, or let yourself go along with it, because you'll forget about it in a few years anyways.

Eh... it's hard to tell what's a schoolboy crush and what's "more than that" when you're communicating online. Oh, and I like the pic. I can sympathize with your predicament- lord knows it's happened to me before, and it's (sort of) happening now, but I think this will turn out well for me. WOO!
Thanks for all the comments. Right now, i believe she does have some feelings for me. She's beginning to wave at me when we pass each other and in the mornings, she walks with me to class. Whether her feelings for me are intimate or not, i really don't know. All my friends think i'm retarded for giving her a 60$ cd player for her birthday a month ago, but i don't think they understand. :thumbs:
Don't who her the picture,she will bitch slap you.
A girl sitting on my left in class looks exactly like that,I like her but I never even brought up the courage to ask her out for a date...... ;(
Wow, try and succeed

or fail.
It is all for nought now, when we get older it may matter more, but right now, most people that meet in High School and early colledge don't stay together, so it probably wont last anyway...
But that aside, Good Luck with her, i remember being in your shoes, albiet for two years. Then i found out she wanted to kill me... eh the cards life deals you, you just take.
Hehe, sounds like 4/5 people in here all know the same person :laugh:

I say, don't do anything, she's going to find out anyway :P
Well then I guess it's true, all Asians look alike ;)

Nice drawing.

You are lucky she atleast hangs out with you and stuff!