Possession of DOG?*Spoilers*

Feb 16, 2005
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I had a think, and I begin to ask myself some questions about DOG..

When he goes "Nuts" to quote Alyx, I wonder if it's by use of an external force, to focus primarily, moments before the Eli death sequence.

DOG goes all awry and goes in a random direction, now if DOG was with you, Alyx and Eli towards the very end, I doubt the Combine attack on Eli would of succeeded which made me think.

Did an external force pull DOG away for a couple of minutes just so the attack on Eli Vance would of worked?

I'm very skeptical towards my own theory but I wonder if anyone has any views on this?
I got the immpression he knew something was wrong and ran off to see it. If he had been pulled away, by say, the advisors, why did they allow him to return just when they were aabout to kill anticitizen one and the Vance Subpriem?
Same... seems to me that dog sensed soemthing was wrong and ran off to investigate.
Yeah, Dog couldn't fit in the one we entered, but that is a good theory.
I just thought that he heard Alyx's screams and came running to the rescue...kinda.
i reckon if valve play their cards right, the can give dog an element of mystery. He is obviously made partly from scavenged combine tech (e.g. his head looks a lot like a scanner) so maby there is still some link between him and the combine.
So they could've commanded Dog to get out of there? But then why did he come back at the critical moment. I doubt even Dog could have stopped the Advisors, if they were determined. All it would take is to snap that tiny "neck" and Dog's blind, or those wires on his arms. We've all seen they can manipulate nonorganic objects too. Look what the hatchling did to that barrel. Twisted it up.
I think that dog was called away just for story purposes. They needed someone way to allow the advisors to kill off someone, and the invincable dog being around wouldnt let them do it.
Well before the advisors attacked we don't know where they are. The model is right outside the building yeah but they could have been off a distance. Dog probably detected something strange, akin to the car radar.