Possible Annoncement this week?

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Oct 4, 2003
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Just reading this on another forum, dunno how true it is, but the guy aint no random bullshitter:

Tue Oct 28 01:10 PM

Re: EDIT: HL2 new release date [re: r0zm4n] Reply

Perhaps I’m being a little ambiguous. How’s this:


(i.e. I have received an explicit email from a member of the Valve team. Fact is, the only reason the game’s been delayed is they have an outside network security firm going over the possibility that ‘bad guys’ could gain access to users PC’s via HL2&Steam and seriously screw over online servers after the release of the stolen code. They’re just trying to patch up any ways in, but they think they’ve got to a point where they can release a ‘safe’ copy and patch up any new threats later. Apparently, a ‘culture of blame’ is in serious danger of developing and a lot of the management types are taking ‘extra-mile’ steps to keep the gang working as a team and not factionising, don’t you just hate office politics? Anyway, rejoice, for the end is in sight.)

Dont flame me if it aint true, just giving u guys a possible heads up.
Heres the site link: PCzone
Originally posted by bamdth47
Just reading this on another forum, dunno how true it is, but the guy aint no random bullshitter:

Tue Oct 28 01:10 PM

Re: EDIT: HL2 new release date [re: r0zm4n] Reply

Perhaps I’m being a little ambiguous. How’s this:


(i.e. I have received an explicit email from a member of the Valve team. Fact is, the only reason the game’s been delayed is they have an outside network security firm going over the possibility that ‘bad guys’ could gain access to users PC’s via HL2&Steam and seriously screw over online servers after the release of the stolen code. They’re just trying to patch up any ways in, but they think they’ve got to a point where they can release a ‘safe’ copy and patch up any new threats later. Apparently, a ‘culture of blame’ is in serious danger of developing and a lot of the management types are taking ‘extra-mile’ steps to keep the gang working as a team and not factionising, don’t you just hate office politics? Anyway, rejoice, for the end is in sight.)

Dont flame me if it aint true, just giving u guys a possible heads up.
Heres the site link: PCzone

sounds rather shady but i guess we'll see by the end of the week, it's only three more days.


i'm kinda wondering why he replied to his post ~40 minutes later after getting no replies, and then he was very straight forward about the release date. kinda sounds like a cry for attention. *shrug* by the end of the week we'll know whether he's legit.


scrolled down and read this
That's more than fair ol' buddy, I know exactly what you mean. Fact is, if their office is anything like mine, intending to put out a release date by the end of the week gives you about a 20% chance of doing so , but it is a good source and it makes me happy that they're gearing back up for a release.

now it sounds like he's trying to give himself some wiggle room in the (very likely) case that there is no announcement, he can simply say "oh i said they intended to..."
Yeah we'll see, anyways this is good news if it's true.
First post here as far as I remember.
Been hovering a long time (since well before sept.30) in anticipation but I'm a lazy typist and was content reading what was up rather than adding my own 2 unnecessary cents.

At any rate here's the thing, source code leak aside...

How in the heck do you go from being 100% sure of a sept. 30 release date to having "no idea".

It just doesnt add up, and April just does'nt seem right to me...

so perhaps this is true, perhaps not. We shall see.
Who cares, just don't make a big thing about this post, if they make a statement of Friday, that good. If they don't then close this thread and that will be the end of it, i don't want to see this thread explode to x number of pages like so many others.
well here's hoping, but like the others, we've seen a lot of these announcements that end up being made on the basis of what little Jonny nopants got told in some back ally games retailers by a spotty kid called Chad, who incidently says he used to work for id/valve/ati/nvidia delete as appropriate
Great news if its true. I won't get my hopes up. I just want to know if I have some time to wait to upgrade my computer, or if I should get it into the shop yesterday!!
Some social scientist should write a paper about 'anticipation', based on this forum. We make up the perfect lab-rats.

On-topic: my money is on a pre-holiday release.

Maybe its just me, and maybe I just dont know my months of the year, but that quote says November, and it is October.

November is next month right?

According to that quote we should have announcement in on month and 3 days, right?

Or am I just stupid?
Originally posted by Abix
Maybe its just me, and maybe I just dont know my months of the year, but that quote says November, and it is October.

November is next month right?

According to that quote we should have announcement in on month and 3 days, right?

Or am I just stupid?

It means they will announce it this week and the announcement will say the release date is 28th of November :).
Aha, I see, it was just my stupidity. Damn misplaced commas. Thanks for the clearup.

If this is true, then its all good news for us ghosts and forum goers who have all been silently hoping for a release earlier than April 2004.

If its not, then back to the waiting room until the next announcement from "insider" information appears.
someone should ask for some collateral or ban him, so if the guy lies, we can do something bad to him
Announcement end of the week (maybe, probably maybe not), release a little bit under month after that... Vicelord.
i.e. I have received an explicit email from a member of the Valve team.

explicit? Please god don't tell it was another one of Gabe naked.
hello, it's the 29th now...

sorry to double post. But we are in the month of OCTOBER it comes between September and November. While some do believe it to be fantasy they are WRONG.
Originally posted by Vicelord
hello, it's the 29th now... :flame:

exactly Nov 28th is next month unless I have been asleep too long again...:p man work are going to go nuts

ROFL, people learn to read all the posts in a thread, I answered to that already.
Originally posted by Shakermaker
Some social scientist should write a paper about 'anticipation', based on this forum. We make up the perfect lab-rats.

On-topic: my money is on a pre-holiday release.

ARRRR matey,so be mine!!!! YARRR!!!!
reminder: take release dates with a grain of salt... its not the end of the world if HL2 isn't released on Nov. 28 or in this year for that matter /public service announcement

seriously... too, too many pple live and die on the strings of a game's release date, its pathetic... :dozey: :|
It's not like everyone does it. Just because I enjoy speculation, and chatting, doesn't mean I give bearing to game's release date. I can understand what you are saying, but not everyone is that way.
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
It's not like everyone does it. Just because I enjoy speculation, and chatting, doesn't mean I give bearing to game's release date. I can understand what you are saying, but not everyone is that way.

Ghost, i realize my post was right after urs.. but i wasn't directing my post at u specifically :)

u are an intelligent poster unlike some of the dumbness that goes around here.. take for example right now... 2 threads about a release date.. certainly the guy wanting to know whether we like Valve or hate them could have easily gone into the other release date thread and posted there.. but no.. common sense is not all that common ya know.. :|

anyway, i know theres other intelligent posters out there so this and my previous post were not directed at them or u Ghost :)
That date matches what my crystal ball says...
why can't it be true!?

I guess we shall have to wait and see.
Although, Nov 28th would match up great as that is "holiday season" in my opinion. What does everyone do right after Thanksgiving in the US? Go christmas shopping!
First, I would give this date more than just a grain of salt if VALVe itself gives it. And for no particular reason, I think november 28th is more plausible than sept 30th, just cause it's a friday this time, and closer to big games coming up. And it could be a good logical reason for a delay, if the leak got some steam things in it and stuff....:bounce:
Until I have the game in my hand I'm just not going to believe much when it comes to rumors. Even when I have it in my hands I still may not believe it ;)

Side note: Just curious....but aren't game/dvd/cd releases usually (always?) on Tuesdays? (honest question...I always thought it was Tuesdays)
Originally posted by Someone
Until I have the game in my hand I'm just not going to believe much when it comes to rumors. Even when I have it in my hands I still may not believe it ;)

Side note: Just curious....but aren't game/dvd/cd releases usually (always?) on Tuesdays? (honest question...I always thought it was Tuesdays)

Music and movies yah, computer games seemingly show up at random. It's all got to do with the publisher, distributor, and the stores.
Originally posted by Commander Keen
First post here as far as I remember.
Been hovering a long time (since well before sept.30) in anticipation but I'm a lazy typist and was content reading what was up rather than adding my own 2 unnecessary cents.

At any rate here's the thing, source code leak aside...

How in the heck do you go from being 100% sure of a sept. 30 release date to having "no idea".

It just doesnt add up, and April just does'nt seem right to me...

so perhaps this is true, perhaps not. We shall see.

Commander Keen? That game kicks ass!
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
Ghost, i realize my post was right after urs.. but i wasn't directing my post at u specifically :)

u are an intelligent poster unlike some of the dumbness that goes around here.. take for example right now... 2 threads about a release date.. certainly the guy wanting to know whether we like Valve or hate them could have easily gone into the other release date thread and posted there.. but no.. common sense is not all that common ya know.. :|

anyway, i know theres other intelligent posters out there so this and my previous post were not directed at them or u Ghost :)

Thanks, I really appreciate civil responses. Normally, my post would have been greeted with an insult...expecially my pirate impression.
Originally posted by Kwyjiboman
First, I would give this date more than just a grain of salt if VALVe itself gives it. And for no particular reason, I think november 28th is more plausible than sept 30th, just cause it's a friday this time, and closer to big games coming up. And it could be a good logical reason for a delay, if the leak got some steam things in it and stuff....:bounce:

I totally agree. A release date that's both closer to the anniversary, and the holidays, makes a lot more sense. I was scratching my head, back in May, when I heard Sept. 30th. Hopefully, our speculation will manifest.
Swami says, "Rumor not likely!"

Too many 'quotes' for my taste 'too'..
this sounds more plausable than the other rumors, but I dont wanna get my hopes up at all
I'm not going to get my hopes up, but this date does make sense:

- it hits right in the middle of the huge Christmas shopping spree
- it'll be about a month from gold to ship, so if they want to hit that weekend they need to go gold, like, NOW
- it'll give Valve two weeks after Condition Zero's release to make sure Steam's ready

If we don't hear anything by the end of next week, we can assume that it won't be out until at least February.
holy crap dude you are totally right

know wonder they pushed off cz's relase date to nov 15 or whatever

its just testing steam's capabillities

or im retarded
Originally posted by hero
holy crap dude you are totally right

know wonder they pushed off cz's relase date to nov 15 or whatever

its just testing steam's capabillities

It may be right man cuz it make sense..
As much as I would LOVE to believe this, I'm going to hide behind my chair untill I hear an offical announcement :p
Originally posted by bamdth47
I have received an explicit email from a member of the Valve team.
Funny thing is, a lot of people had some very explicit emails from Valve stating that September 30 was the release date, and we all know how that one turned out.

I would love it if Valve announced a November 28 (a Friday?) release date by the end of the week, but I'm not holding my breath. And even if Valve does announce a release date, who's really going to believe them?
i want this to be true as much as the next hl2 fan... but sigh...
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