Possible Beyond Good and Evil 2 footage?

It certainly looks like Jade, but why does she appear to be in modern day/near future Indian rather than a futuristic setting with anthropromorphic animals like hylis?

Whatever it is, looks awesome.
It's just Mirror's Edge 2 you guys

I dunno if it is, but it would be funny
I saw awesome.

Jesus F. Christ. The voice clip is 100% Jade.

Saw this earlier today. I tried to get into the first game but the intro just said '**** off' to my gaming temperament.
Its believe to be a proof of concept rather than ingame footage (though it might be shot in the engine, with some Post production work carried out). Either way looks funky and as a fan of the original I'm looking forward to it.
maybe they got into some dimensional teleporter and end up in our dimension in india?
I hope the trailer is not prerendered coz it looked great.
I'd say it is, as all signs point to it being a proof of concept trailer than anything else. Still, if it ends up anything like that combined with the gameplay of the first it'll be ****ing rad.
It definitely looks like a proof of concept for what they want to pull off, but it might be in the ballpark. Remember Ubisoft is also responsible for Assassin's Creed, it's quite likely they could be sharing tech with the Beyond Good & Evil team. Even the way that Jade bumps up against walls with her hands out looks like a re-used animation from Creed.
Heh, That footage inspired me to go back and play BG&E again (I've been having a right blast) I have to say its quite a fantastic game, though some of the challenges are a touch fiddly using keys, but overall its a brilliant game and if you haven't experienced it before you should. There are issues with it playing on Vista machines, however I followed the advice in this thread and it solved my problems by and large:-

Whatever it is, looks awesome (visually). Hopefully there's a challenge element to it and it's not so assassin's creed automated free-running.

God damn Ubisoft stop failing. ****ed DRM and no MP in Anno 1404 made me rage but this is on a whole new level of my rage factory.
never liked ubisoft, they can go **** themselves
Why the long faces? Beyond Good and Evil was all kinds of oscillating wonder, but this sequel - even with Ancel at the helm - looked dire from the teaser alone. There is no doubt in my mind that given the financial failure of the first game, BG&E2 would have pandered to the inadequacies of mainstream due to the odious nature of Ubi Soft. Really, it's better it does not come to fruition.
It's Ubisoft, Whatever they do will result in pissing everyone off. This is no exception.
I'm waiting for some kind of real confirmation. I have a feeling this game has been off-and-on hold for a while.
Why the long faces? Beyond Good and Evil was all kinds of oscillating wonder, but this sequel - even with Ancel at the helm - looked dire from the teaser alone. There is no doubt in my mind that given the financial failure of the first game, BG&E2 would have pandered to the inadequacies of mainstream due to the odious nature of Ubi Soft. Really, it's better it does not come to fruition.

I don't think one can take that as a given. After all Ico didn't sell particularly well, however it did receive critical plaudits, and SoTC by the same team can hardly be said to be a sell out game in terms of creativity.

As regards BG&E. Sure it might not of sold fantastically upon release, however I wouldn't be surprised if since its launch that its cleared a profitable number of units, given its near universal acclaim.
Why the long faces? Beyond Good and Evil was all kinds of oscillating wonder, but this sequel - even with Ancel at the helm - looked dire from the teaser alone.

Really? That teaser posted at the start of the thread? The one you're talking about? That looked "dire" did it? It "pandered to inadequate mediocrities of the mainstream" did it?

You remind me of a grown-up pompous version of that future kid from Back to the Future 2.

"You got to use your hands? That's like a baby's toy!"

If you seriously believe everything you just said you are truly a massive elitist.
I got to the first "dungeon" in BGE and I was met with a painfully generic game. I haven't touched it since then.