Possible Beyond Good and Evil 2 footage?

This sequel - even with Ancel at the helm - looked dire from the teaser alone. There is no doubt in my mind that given the financial failure of the first game, BG&E2 would have pandered to the inadequacies of mainstream due to the odious nature of Ubi Soft. Really, it's better it does not come to fruition.

I thoroughly believe what I just said.

Let's cut out a few of the big words in that sentence to see if we can find out what you're really trying to say.

'The first game didn't sell well, so the people behind the sequel will sell out to make money for their hard-nosed publishers, Ubisoft'.

All that exists of this game in the public domain is a teaser, universally well-received (with the exception of a few sourpuss hold-outs like yourself), and some supposedly in-game footage that was equally impressive. There is literally no evidence to back up what you are saying - that the sequel would inevitably be a sell out - and all the poorly-chosen polysyllabics in the world can't disguise this fact.