Possible bug with Asus Probe


Jun 25, 2004
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Ok, so I'm loving my Asus mobo, and I just got a great new Thermaltake CPU heatsink/fan which is really doing the trick, and my CPU normally runs around 46 degrees C, but whenever I put it on standby and come back from standby it shows it at like 16 degrees C, is there any way to fix this? or should I even worry about it? my version of Asus Probe is up-to-date, so that's not the problem
ok this thread title is just waiting to made fun of ...heheh "asus" ..."probe" ...he might object you know :LOL:

Anyway, it might just be picking up the wrong sensor. I always use motherboard monitor 5 since I can pick the sensor it displays. A little testing and I know which sensor is for CPU, case or northbridge. They do have profiles for motherboards which auto select which sensor too. =p

There are other good temp programs but I forget what they are. lol
thanks, i downloaded everest and motherboard monitor and now i'll see which works the best
Everest is a good prog to use, I find its the most reliable out of motherboard monitor, asus probe and everest.
duffers20 said:
Everest is a good prog to use, I find its the most reliable out of motherboard monitor, asus probe and everest.
i have discovered the same, Motherboard Monitor got stuck at 125 degrees C and wanted me to shut the comp down, but Everest seems to be doing alright