possible glitch?

Dec 22, 2004
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during follow freeman, when you have to go into the combine nexus and destroy the generators, isn't barney supposed to come open the exit door?

this is my second time playing thru the single player and i can't quite remember.

anyway, the possible glitch i've found is that AFTER destroying all three generators, barney is NOWHERE to be found. i go down the hall that has the exit signs on it, where you run into a sealed door. i thought barney was supposed to come let you out?

i've waited around for 30 minutes... AFTER i destroyed the generators and he STILL hasn't shown up. fark. i don't want to have to restart the entire level again, but it looks like i may not have a choice.

also, my saves don't go back far enough to where barney was still with the party. any suggestions, because this is really pissing me off. :angry::angry::angry:
Something similar happened to me I think, barney was stuck in the dark room with all the traps and simply by going near him got him unstuck.
yeah if you cant get back to him cos of a locked door, just sv_cheats 1, then noclip. To get him moving, then go back to where you was...and noclip again to turn it off...and sv_cheats 0. And continue!
Hazar said:
Something similar happened to me I think, barney was stuck in the dark room with all the traps and simply by going near him got him unstuck.

thanks hazar. :cheers: that's exactly where that motherf***er was. grrrr. :flame: :sniper: :flame:

i must have missed him the 100 other times i back-tracked through there. altho, i obviously wasn't thorough enough...

it took me awhile to find him too, I thought he was dead at firt :p