My brother's birthday is coming up, and he wants a graphics card... he has Intel Integrated Graphics. I am just wondering if it is possible to even install something like a 9600 Pro. He has a Dell mobo.
If it came with integrated graphics, it won't have an AGP slot. Which Dimension is it? Cause I've heard of 4600's with integrated graphics having AGP slots. But I wouldn't count on it.
You can get a FX 5200 or Radeon 9200 PCI card. Take your pick as neither is that much better than the other. They will be a lot better than the onboard graphics you have now though.
The good thing is that they don't cost a lot at all.
Yes you can get a new mobo. I got one and it's great. But it has to be microatx first of all. And yes Dell does use different power cables or whatever, so you might have to do what I did and cut of the connectors and attach connectors from another computer that's not being used. But it can be done, just get a microatx mobo. I got the Intel D865GLC. And it'll be worth it, really.
Ok if you want to go ahead but I don't know if there's any PCI Express microatx mobos out there. Cause you need microatx, and PCI-E isn't worth it right now, there's only a couple PCI-E cards out and it won't really be the standard until 2 years from now. I would stick with AGP.