Post a screenshot!






Multiplayer Mode

God that game looks great.

Actually surprisingly decent. I'm crap at twitch based shooters so it was fun to play something online that didn't require me to be superhuman in my reactions. Not going to challenge any big games but they have transferred the single player gameplay quite well.

Shit: Just realised I quoted the wrong dude. Ah **** it.
Also thought it was about time for something like this. I'm having some technical issues with bonus content but I'm working on resolving those issues. Damn regional settings, applocale needs to suck less.


Played some Tribes 2 for a bit.
Meltdown 2 is just as crazy as I remember.





Saw this when exiting Beat Hazard. Excited. :v

I just love this game. When you're concerned about your larger neighbors expanding too rapidly and perhaps threatening your borders... you just wait them out, and maybe you send a few spies to speed up the process. Eventually however, they often find themselves mismanaged and come crumbling down with revolutions and revolts... old nations that were once long gone(perhaps with your aid) are reemerging.

My neighbor Bihar who I had once upon a time been allied with in the past... gobbled up my other neighbor Gondwana who was another Ally. Now though, they face revolution and the Gondwanese as well as the Deccan are reemerging to take over their homelands under their own banner. Orissa who is one of my Vassals was once my Ally but I had conquered and subjugated them. Rajputana to the north used to be massive, larger than even my empire and they got brought down to size eventually in the same way that Bihar is facing now... and of course I took advantage of the fact and started crushing them and taking some provinces... or conquering the recently emerging nations before they made any strong allies or anybody decided to become their protector.

Rajputana, Bihar, Orissa, Gondwana and Vijayanagar(Me) used to be the most dominating countries in India... but now as the rest succumb to revolution and discontent, I continue to stand... expanding my borders and westernizing myself to face the coming decades and next couple centuries.

In the Grand Scheme of Things however my nation is quite tiny compared to some of the other empires in the world. Some day I may have to face some powerful western powers or my East Asian friends to the east like the Ming dynasty which has recaptured a lot of its glory despite similar revolutions. Also you can see my vassals... some of whom are Islam which we mostly drove out of India(the aforementioned super Hindu power group)... some of which are Buddhist and Hindu as well.




Since I can't really handle story-based games currently, I think I should start playing Paradox titles again, like you Raz.
Assortment of screens I've taken over the past few months:

Beginning of Dead Space; I was loving the lighting in the scene.

Just Cause 2; insanely fun, and good looking to boot.

Far Cry 2; probably one of the prettiest games I've played.

Mafia 2; unrrated, imo...again, pretty.
Saw this when exiting Beat Hazard. Excited. :v


awesome! I 100% that game and got some pretty high scores :D



It looks like I'm attacking the guy in the background

"It was THIS BIG!"


I love the new sunrays

My new Mace, I hit lvl 63 today and I'm having more fun with the BC content than ever



I managed to get the car above into a position where it was on it's side, wheels against wall and wouldn't move. I then took a big truck and rammed into it repeatedly. Below is the Frankenstien like result.



It's almost a convertible.
I remember playing it about 10 years ago, the UI is the only thing that I remembered really.
Loved that ****ing UI.
Friend had that. Mostly we'd just open the editor, shove a bunch of martyrs in and blow em up. :)
Silent Storm (spoilered for 1600x1200 I-hate-you-and-your-puny-monitor screens)


Spanish female foreigner in Wehrmacht. A scout. With my personal real Axis uniforms mod. Looks and plays really, really awesome. Kind of hard to play a scout, though. Or maybe I just suck at it.


The most rare random encounter in Silent Storm, an UFO crash site in Switzerland. Damn hard too, if you try to take the formidable eight enemy panzerkleins head on. In this picture you can see the UFO, the unique Thor's Hammer black "Skeleton" PK with double rayguns and the original alien blaster on which all Thor rayguns are based. I used Carmen as a spotter, while the rest of the team (Ghul and Eagle most importantly) blasted the enemies apart. As perception and vision are severely impaired inside a PK, they never saw it coming.


The initial squad, fighting Tommies in a German town. In the beginning I went with an all-male team, but eventually, I decided to let go of Klaus. He's a great shot, yes, but after he started collecting souvenirs from enemies he shot, "for his grandchildren", I was creeped out, and that's a feat. Ghul (World War 1 veteran), with all the horrors of trench warfare he saw and his own face looking like a plowed field couldn't stomach collecting fingers, ears and noses for grandchildren.

Then I've replaced Ahmed with Carmen. Ahmed's a great engineer and drinking buddy, but I needed a scout. He did survive the war and later bought me a beer he owed when we got into the Sentinels, so I'm glad I told him to stay put.

Rundown of squad:

Ghul - primary marksman, World War I veteran, experience and grit comparable to Boatmurdered dwarves. Character portrait in the image.
Javier - lower left, engineer in the black coat. Awesome Spanish dude, always cracking jokes, even in the most grim of situations.
Fritz - model German soldier. Big guy, big gun. Kind of square, though. He's the guy shooting a light machine gun from the hip one handed in the middle of the screen.
Klaus - German sniper. Removed one eye to stop crossing them when shooting. Quite unstable. Scary.
Gari - a Hungarian medic with a squeaky voice, the one with the German M34 field hat. Looks nerdy, but gets the job done, and well. Best guy to call when your intestines are spilling out. The worst when you're having a manly night with beer and hookers.
Ahmad - level headed, slightly grim grenadier from Iran. Expert at blowing up entire houses.
Eagle - the aforementioned Croatian sniper lady. Soft voice, great looks, ability to put a bullet through your eye without so much as a blink.
Carmen - a cute scout lady from Spain. Enjoys wine, long walks at night and shooting unsuspecting Tommies in the head. Dislikes getting shot, blown up or spotted by snipers.


Drakensang, Salina. After the morbidly ugly women of Fallout 3 and New Vegas, a proper female is a sight for sore eyes.


Angry dwarf likes his women pretty. Exposed legs = win.
Silent Storm, **** yeah.
The game would've been so so much better without the Panzerkleins though.
It feels a bit "generic fantasy" at times, though, particularly the art direction. I liked the setting and the Realms of Arkania series (didn't play them all that much, but I do own the original Blade of Destiny and have the floppies stuffed somewhere), but Drakensang kind of failed at creating an unique art style. The story's starting to captivate me, though.

The polish translation is annoying and that might be the cause of my problems. It just feels... Wrong. Maybe Planescape: Torment and Baldur's Gate spoiled me with their translations, but Drakensang just feels badly translated. And my character's too timid in the PL version.
That's not too crazy, in the dwarf scheme of things. I mean yeah, it's weird, but it's not Painblows the Horse weird.
Dark Reign, **** yeah.

I don't remember too much of that game, but I do remember that I miss the engagement options you had for your units. e.g. how much damage they would take before retreating and how far they would pursue fleeing enemies....I really miss those options in modern games, particularly Dawn of War/ Company of heroes, where my units always end up pursuing fleeing enemies straight to their base and then get raped -_-
Mirror's Edge, looks pretty amazing and runs great.



I thought it was a real photo for a minute.